On 2007-11-11 03:16, Remedy wrote:
On 2007-11-06 07:15, u_r wrote:
there is no unfair advantage to this, you do things a few mins faster thats about it
That is what rational, intelligent people call "an unfair advantage". The glitch allows you to perform better than you would be able to do without it, ergo, it is an unfair advantage and bannable via the Terms of Use.

So is Megiverse stacking, by the way, and I fully endorse the banning of anyone who used either glitch.
"The glitch allows you to perform better than you would be able to do without it" Yes thats true, but its the same for every weapon. Say if your a Lvl 110 & you only have 1 weapon. If that weapon gets takin away then you would not be able to perform the same without it. I mean it may be annoying but its not hurting any1, the same with the 4 to 5 floor stair glitch. i don't think they should ban people for that, It's not "Hacking or Munipulating**" Files, If Sega Really does not like it, I'm sure they could put a Patch in the next update. The glitch Isn't a secret anyone can do it. Thats my Theory on the Subject.

By the way I'm Glad to be a part of this site now. =]