Well ya there's plenty of techs out there, and I'm one of those people who kind of wants to level them all...however, seeing as it's MAG, I'm really looking for the ones that level the fastest...btw I'm only getting them to 30 (seeing as I'm an AT...will change FT to level all them to 40 when I'm finished). So, Zonde took me f'n forever...diga, foie and noszonde were fairly fast, and my buffs and healing techs came along nicely...(gotta get those debuffs lvled eventually)...ANYWAY...I was wondering if nosdiga and nosmegid would be as fast as noszonde, and if the ra series would give me trouble or not....I'm holding off on the gi and dam sets for now...and barta can wait. (seeing as zonde was a pain) I pretty much know exactly where to level all of them, but I just want to get the fast ones out of the way first, so that i can grind out the long ones as I farm items and w/e....