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  1. #191


    This is already in my Member Spotlight, but its definitely my funniest Phantasy Star moment, so I think it's ok to repost here:

    Back on PSOBB, me and two team-members (Reno and Malice) were running Ultimate Temple. We got to a narrow path with El Rappies, and as normal, beat them all and advanced to the next room. It was then that Malice told us that the Rappies were not only still alive for him, but were pecking his character to death! Me and Reno ran back, and sure enough the Rappies had respawned. We decided to lure them onto the middle of the path, in a vain attempt at 'Rappy Rustling'. This went on for about an hour or more, and had all 3 of us in hysterics. It got even worse when the game started to de-sync, causing the Rappies to randomly disappear and respawn at different times for all of us. It ended up with the Rappies disappearing for Malice, leaving me and Reno to 'rustle' the so-called invisible Rappies...

    Once the rappies had disappeared for Malice (Misery in the pics)

    From Misery's point of view:

    Yeah, so this one is slightly staged

    It was so funny at the time, and to this day there's been little that had me laughing so much

    HUnewearl power since 2003. NGS Official Creator (SectionSkyly)

  2. #192
    Your Not Fully Clean unless your Zeestfully Clean!
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    after getting fsoded by a sega GM (allegedly) in pso GC, he challenged me to regain my characters level in 1 week which was 177 but I was able to beat it in 6 days nonstop leveling and the GM rewarded me with a lavis and a congratulations in the room title description.

  3. #193


    Quote Originally Posted by fay View Post
    im not trying to offend you here in any way but that deserves a lol.
    you need to be level 40 to play on v.hard =/
    If this was offline it could still be doable. Only online mode had any level restrictions - I remember seeing a video of someone getting all the way to ult Falz at level 1 before actually. (Killing themself along with monsters / bosses each time.)

  4. #194


    My greatest Phantasy Star moment, eh? What a shame I can only choose one... luckily, the one that comes to mind the most prevalently is the most recent. First, for a bit of history...

    From day one on PSU, I've been cursed with the inability to find anything of any value in any run I've explored. Sure, I've encountered a Muktengek, Kan Yu, and Cubo Tuma on various occasions, but only after they've become common fodder on palattes throughout the game. I remember running the Colony missions every day for two weeks straight during the first Christmas, trying to hunt Rappies for that beautiful Halp Serafi... Tens of hours of searching that rare spawn, and of 52 Rappies, I never did find what I was looking for. That was when I turned to what would become my forte for a year: trading. Seeking fellow merchants, trading items and meseta toward an ultimate goal, becoming one with the pulse and flow of the economy of an entire online community and meeting people of all flavors... but that's a moment for another time.

    Over the months, I attempted hunting parties for items including Har/Quick, Psycho Wand, Degahna Cannon, and Serafi Senba... and to this day, I've not yet had the satisfaction of breaking open a boss box and finding the item I've so painstakingly searched for. I would lurk the "Finds" threads in the PSU board, watching with sadness as people of every type would report the various rares they found that day, turning out more in a single night than I could speak for in my entire time on the game.

    As time went on, I began to resent my lousy luck, generally refusing to item-hunt to spare my teammates the annoyance of my incessant ranting about the unfairness of the universe... until (after a month-long hiatus) my friend Mikura asked if I'd be willing to hunt a Rattlesnake with him via Desert Terror. We made an agreement that we'd run the mission every chance we got without exception, and anything otherwise we found I could keep as payment for my assistance. As one of my first friends on PSU, I've come to enjoy playing with Mik more than anyone else in-game, so I jumped at the opportunity to party on a constant basis.

    Needless to say, for days we searched, combing those boxes with bated breath, and never found it. Over time, our goals changed from "Mik wants this, Xen get everything else" to "let's just find SOMETHING and we can figure out who gets it later." More often than not, the rarest item we found would be a Star Atomizer. It became the bane of our existance to take down Magahnna and blow the boxes at the end of the mission, but BY GOD it needed to be done. I ended up forgetting that anything even COULD drop in those boxes, and focused solely on enjoying conversation over playing the run with my best friend. XD Conversation was all we had left, at that point.

    And then... the moment I'll never forget. We'd just said our goodbyes after another night of collecting monomates from the boss boxes, and I'd paused at the teleport cube to mail my other friend Tetsaru to tell him we'd ended for the night. After my usual sighs of disbelief at finding nothing once again, Tets sends me a message that says, simply, "go to your room."

    So I take the cube, thinking he just wanted to chat more conveniently.

    Upon loading and taking a step to my left, I find a massive present box waiting for me in the middle of my cafe. Narrowing my eyes, I hit the X button...

    And the text "Received "Rattlesnake!" appeared on my screen.

    I can't... use words to describe how incredibly happy I was. His kindness went beyond giving a simple item to a friend, it was like making a dream come true. Hopefully I explained well enough that this final paragraph isn't necessary, but suffice to say that the text that appeared on my screen stayed there for nearly a half-hour. When I finally had recovered enough to hit X again (I couldn't bring myself to, for fear I'd imagined it), I had a mail from Tets that read, verbatim: "" And that, oddly enough, was all that needed to be said.
    Through Nests of Dragons, Beneath Caves of Demons
    Along Halls of Warriors, Between Ruins of Villians
    Courageous avatars of peace stand unyielding.

    Follow this link for an expansive listing of my swag

  5. #195


    I want to participate to this contest with my Eclipse

  6. #196


    Hmm, this is a toughy. I believe my best in-game moment has to be slaying De Ragan on PSO Episode 1 and getting a MUSASHI from the item box. It really gave me a goal to work towards.

  7. #197


    Let's see... Most memorable thought eh? Well for me it was hunting down the Psycho Wand in PSO (GC). It took me nearly a year and a half, playing 24/7, to find it! When I finally got it I was soo happy, I cried, not a lie... Eh heh... Also piping for rare monsters was really frustrating! I would cast ryuker 50+ times and waste mounds and mounds of meseta buying telepipes looking for one. There's soo much more but i'll leave it at those two. XD

  8. #198


    My friend and I were taking on Olga Flow in Game Cube Hard Mode and he was aware that I'd really only played Chapter One up until this point. He'd also been playing PSO considerably longer than I had and he'd accumulated enough high level tech discs to max out the techs on my Fonewearl. However, he neglected to mention that when Olga Flow makes you look like Flowen, you have to guess and check to see which tech/attribute hurts Olga Flow. If you guess wrong, you take the damage instead. Well, my friend was the unlucky one who got turned into Flowen first, and in an effort to do as much damage as quickly as possible, I started laying on the maxed Foie. Needless to say, this was the wrong tech. My friend couldn't figure out why his Level 120+ character was suddenly dying so quickly! After all, it was only Hard Mode. I killed him about one and a half times before he figured it out. Oops! We still joke about it.

  9. #199


    I forgot to mention the holiday rappies!!! >.< Silly me.

  10. #200
    Resist/RealLife++ Volcompat321's Avatar
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    Sep 2008
    Melbourne, Florida


    my most memorable in-game moment-(december 06)-PSU pc/ps2
    Fighting De Regan with my 2 real life friends, at level 4 cause we had no idea what the colony missions were. We had an epic battle against the fire breathing dragon! We died and killed, and still to this day, it was the most epic battle in ALL of Phantasy Star that we have experienced.

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