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  1. #61


    yeah those icons were not ultimatly used, but probably were intended for weapons.

    if i remember right from back in the day, it was common knowlege that s rank missions would scale. and it was a bragging point that they would have upto 8 ranks of mission.
    FROBOT in disguise: cast forte/master gunner transer thighmaster
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  2. #62


    Quote Originally Posted by Arika View Post
    it is common for developer to plan something far ahead but ignore the idea later.

    they might plan PSU to be much bigger at first, but ,with the fund they have, they change the idea.

    Its okay to do that with games you buy on release and play through. Games you continuously pay for that fail to deliver what they promise is very, very bad work ethic.

    People who still play on 360 pay them $10 a month for less than $5 of service. They dont even update your servers every month, but you pay them the same amount as you pay the Japanese. It isn't fair, and if this was anything other than an MMO im almost sure you could take legal action against them, lol.

  3. #63
    Love is all ar♥und ♪~ Arika's Avatar
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    Because they don't really care 360 side (as much as JP) to begin with. I m sure that they are pretty impressed by now when they see how many players still paying here.

    I have posted something in the past mentioned ahead that situation in JP server already make them handful, because of how demanding JP players are. Population dropping every months until the new supplemental update(not the first one) The population is more steady now, but they will have to give update weekly or it will drop again.. (weekly JP = no update US, because you can usually notice that US only get update when JP not get update)

    They survive nowadays by 3 aspect : free course, GC, and weekly update.

    (the reason why they care JP server more? racist ? no... it is obviously because the money from JP server will go directly to SoJ, while money from US server go to share SoA )
    Last edited by Arika; Jun 10, 2010 at 12:05 AM.

    "ARIKAー戦隊, 参上!!" (click it!)
    Arika     @US server | Arika-chan @JP server

  4. #64


    Quote Originally Posted by XtremeStarfox View Post
    So thanks to private server makers which I will not mention, "we've just found that the content locking is completely artificial, the counter files for the US servers are the same as JP, that is, v1 missions changed into AOTI missions have that AOTI category in the US counter, and missions that got S3 on JP and not on US have an empty space for the S3 difficulty in the US counter."

    If you did not understand that, it basically means;

    "Content from the JP servers was on US servers too, just locked away."

    "The US mission counter files are the same as JP."

    Don't confuse this with disc content;

    "Disc content was there from the beginning, what this discovery means is that US had supplemental content for a year."

    This is all I'll say. Make what of this as you wish, but I despise SEGA after hearing this.
    would happen to have a batch to bypass it do you? or the private server location?
    i dont believe in sanity clause anymore......

  5. #65


    Quote Originally Posted by Arika View Post
    (the reason why they care JP server more? racist ? no... it is obviously because the money from JP server will go directly to SoJ, while money from US server go to share SoA )
    I wish they'd give SOA more power to do things to it for that reason...
    I still can't help but feel there's some racism going on though.. >_>
    PC/PS2: Lisa
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    (I'm just to proud of my self for that. x_x)

  6. #66


    Quote Originally Posted by dragoon-girl View Post
    I wish they'd give SOA more power to do things to it for that reason...
    I still can't help but feel there's some racism going on though.. >_>
    Eh... I think this does play a component role, but not overtly significant like many seem to make it out to be. It's more like an unconscious perception that manifests as a bias... and I also think that nationalism is a proportionally larger contributor to this bias than out & out racism.

    We're all racist to varying degrees, and you really can't help it. That's just how we are. Even if you don't see it yourself, others can pick it up by the biases in your behavior.

    Feed men, and then ask of them virtue!

  7. #67


    I dont really blame them. Does SoA even have a branch that creates games anymore? Sonic Team USA (Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Sonic Adventure 2) doesn't exist anymore. Last game i remember with SEGA of America's name on it was Shadow the Hedgehog......

    ...yeah. I dont blame them.

  8. #68


    As long as they're separating JP players from the rest of the population, PS games will only do well in Japan. US/EU/rest of the world, always get neglected at some point.

    I don't see why ST can't just hold off release dates for a couple more months to translate content. I dont see why playing on the same server is a problem, JP players will generally play in another in-game server anyway.

    This is why I'm not getting PSP2 in US, since its not going to get half the DLC the JP version is going to get.

    All this speculation for a new PS game, if its released in JP first, with no intention of merging JP servers with US, I will just import.

  9. #69


    This should come as no surprise. I don't think they "developed" anything new besides the stuff from the user contests and the stuff made by the PSP2 team.

    They probably had AOI and GAC done (or mostly done) since the release of PSU. PSU definitely felt incomplete and lets not mention all the then useless PA's/skills/abilities that now have some use thanks to GAC.

  10. #70


    Quote Originally Posted by Arika View Post
    (the reason why they care JP server more? racist ? no... it is obviously because the money from JP server will go directly to SoJ, while money from US server go to share SoA )
    The icky thing is, you'd expect them to grab all low-effort profit hands-on.

    What surprises me is that many seem to blame this on racism. Come on people, this isn't some spiteful kid we're talking about, it's a company.
    Something definitely seems to be wrong inside of Sega, but remember this poll by ClumsyOrchid asking what new content users would like best (no promises)? That's a trade-off there. It's figuring out how profitable any of the choices would be for SoA in terms of customer satisfaction versus resources.
    "Resources? But surely the non-story content costs zero effort to localize?" - Yup. That's why resources doesn't mean localization efforts/costs here; it sounds more like SoJ is charging them an internal price like a licensing fee for each bit of content so SoA could buy/reject based on whether they feel the increase in subscriber cash would be worth it.
    Does this story really fit their corporate structure? I know it implies they function as separate business entities (i.e. with separate owners), but I'm having trouble making sense of the hits on Yahoo Finance (particularly Sega Sammy ADR/ORG), so I don't have evidence.

    Currently I'm more worried about Monster Hunter Tri though, as it's turning out they're too cheap to get us much Arena content as well. At least I could play the series in Japanese instead, but it'd suck losing even more localizations to this bullshit. -_-

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