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  1. #11
    Kalidoscope Walker Nicktendonick's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    A Place, not B place


    Here we go, the final chapter of this tutorial arc. This one shouldn't be as long as the last one, but should be just as satisfying. Enjoy the show...


    Chapter 6- Never alone

    Emilia and I herd a large footstep behind us.

    “Mathis...what's that?” I herd Emilia say

    I didn't need to answer, we both knew.

    I turned around and saw one giant hulking Stateria coming out of it’s docking bay.
    This Stateria was made of five parts. The two reverse jointed legs, a small center body, and it’s two arms with massive circular shoulders, all being held together by pure photon tethers on the center body.
    But that’s not what we stared at. We stared at its axe. A huge, large, weapon taller then the story-tall behemoth itself. The mace-like Axe sparked with electricity, jolting and giving everything around it a massive zap.

    It turned towards us and bellowed with all of it’s might.

    That thing was about to come after us!

    “You’re got to be kidding me! I should have kept my big mouth shut!” Emilia yelled as we backed up towards the slowly opening door.

    “What do we do Mathis? That thing’s gonna kill us!” Emilia asked me in frenzy.

    We both saw the crack in the door. It couldn’t get through, but we could.

    “The door! We can lock it out!” I shouted pointing at it.

    We both hurried to the door as the thing started running at us at a full sprint. We’d only have a moment.

    Unlike what one might assume of old machines, Stateria were fast. Very fast. Especially the big ones. When fighting a semi-sentient horde of abominations one needs to be quick on it’s feet, and this thing was definitely one of them.

    Emilia went first while I took out something to slow him down.

    I picked up another trap bomb from my stash. I activated it and threw it at the charging monstrosity that was running our way. It didn’t care of what I threw at it, and only realized that I threw a bomb it's way was the moment I detonated it under his feet. This thing is a Extra strength Stun Trap, EX-stun trap for short. It was made for capturing targets and prey for hunters, the Stun Trap subdue the target with increased gravity and an energy system that traps whatever’s inside the trap and blasts it with said energy that’s gushing out of the trap.

    Which is exactly what happened to the huge Stateria charging after us.

    The trap activated, and waves of energy erupted from below the monstrosity. The energy was gushing over and over, blasting it’s body with pure photon energy while fully restraining it. It tried to struggle and move, which it barely managed to do, and all it could do is just roar at us.

    Time to go.

    I squeezed myself and slid through the barely open door. Emilia was waiting for me on the other side.

    “Close it!” I said as I popped out of the other side.

    I saw Emilia hit the close button on the panel next to the door, with both of us seeing that it wasn’t working.

    Ten pushes later, we realized it wasn’t going to work.

    “Plan B Emilia” I said as I pointed to the other side of the door “Get on that side and let’s push this thing closed.”

    “Roger Mathis”

    I grabbed the left side, and she grabbed the right side. We both double teamed the door and pushed to close it.

    “Hurry!” I said. “Before it’s free”

    We both pushed with all our might, the door slowly budging and getting closer to creaking shut.

    It wasn’t much we needed. Just enough to close and get it to lock itself again. That’s all we needed. Just a little bit of might, just a little bit of…

    We herd the Stateria roar again. And this time accompanied by footsteps.

    “It’s free!” I herd Emilia say in panic.

    “Don’t Stop Pushing!” I shouted to her.

    If we stopped to look we were dead. If we stopped for anything we were dead.

    My body uncomfortably pushed itself harder and further. We needed to do this.

    “Commeeoooooonnnnnn.....” I said to myself “Push!”

    It was louder, getting louder running after us. The doors were getting closer and closer. This thing was the only thing that cold save us.

    This thing was seconds away. We only had a few seconds before it was too late.


    With a battlecry I gave it one final push with all my might, throwing all my weight and all my strength into this last attempt to stay alive.


    I pushed with all my might until I herd a loud clacking noise

    The doors connected locked itself down, the sound of the giant Stateria just instantly ending with the sound-proof door closed.

    Both of us had a moment of silence as we began to pace towards our accomplishment, the now locked door.

    “We…we did it…:” Emilia said catching her breath.

    “Yea…we di-”


    My instincts kicked in again. I grabbed Emilia and activated the Aegis right in the nick of time.

    The doors exploded in our face, the smashing force of the Stateria attempting to break down the door once again blasted us right off our feet and threw us onto the circular platform.

    I held on tight to Emila as we landed on the circular platform, my back slammed against the hard surface and Emilia bounced off me and onto the ground

    It took a moment before I got my bearings again, I clutched my head.
    Damn...I felt a pain the back of my head, instinctively checking it I felt some of my own blood.

    ...this isn't good.

    I rose up and took out whatever healing item I had, a trimate and applied it to the back of my head.
    I felt the mate do it's job and started to heal up my wound, pulling in photons and applied whatever nanotechnology fluid it's made of to fix my bleeding head.

    As I did this, I turned to find Emilia. I saw the girl unresponsive on the ground. The impact must have knocked her out, or at least for the moment. Line shields are great to protect a person, but a impact is still a impact and a concussion is still a concussion.

    I pulled out a moon atomizer, activated it, and slid it Emilia's way. The healing device turned on, and with a quick check it got to work on Emilia.

    It began to shine a light onto Emilia. Focusing on her head, then the rest of her.

    Regenerative lasers or something. Mom uses them alot at work. It woke Emilia up quite fast, her popping awake and quickly finding her way back to the waking world, turning around onto her back, her legs facing me and her stri-!

    Don't look. Turn.

    I did what a gentlemen should and I averted my gaze, and looked back towards the door.
    Seems like I was wrong with thinking it broke through. It just seems like it almost did.

    "Mathis?" Emilia said as she began to see what was going on again.

    I continued to look at the door.
    The door had been breached, but it was not enough for the Stateria to break through. I could see that it had rammed the door we had just closed, almost breaking it. Somehow, barely, the door held.

    "Urgh...I felt like I got hit by a truck...Mathis, are you alright?" I herd Emilia groan out. I turned around to her again, and saw her back on her feet, extending her hand to help me up.

    I took it. "As good as I could be right now. And for the record, that's not what getting hit by a truck feels like."


    He herd a massive rumble. Like there was a earthquake in the middle of this place. Like something huge was barraging right towards us.

    Gah...I must have hit my head too hard. I feel like a migraine is starting to come on again.

    To be honest, my gut told me that the massive Stateria wasn't the source, but...

    " Ack…is that thing gonna break down the door?" Emilia said to me. Looking at her I noticed Emilia had her hand on her head too. That bump to the head must have hurt her too.

    My mind instantly went over what would happen if that thing got to us. Needless to say, not good.

    "We need to get going!" I said.

    "I know I-" Emilia began to say as we felt that massive rumble again.


    "We gotta move Emilia. Now!" I said, pointing towards the next door.

    "That's the master control room. If we can get there I might be able to turn this thing off!"

    "Sounds great. Lets go!" I said as I grabbed her and got her right on track and running to our destination.

    As we did we herd the door finally break. I looked back to see the juggernaut stateria tearing the door apart to reach us in it's mechanical bloodlust.

    We stopped at the edge of the circular platform. Below us was the water purification system, and across the short gap was the large door leading to the master computer roo-


    "Mathis! I herd Emilia shout.

    My beast instincts kicked in again

    "Mathis, Duck!"

    I turned and saw what she saw in the middle of my own body reacting to it. The very door the stateria ripped apart was thrown right at us. We both dropped to the floor immediately, and just in time to avoid a crushing death as it whooshed over our heads and collided with the door we just tried to enter, leaving a tangled mesh of unpassable destroyed metal.

    As the Stateria walked into the water room, we felt a third rumble in the room after it entered.
    The Stateria had been damaged, it's A-photon core seemed to have been damaged in his ramming of the door. It slowly began to leak photons out of it.

    We herd a another siren screech and a loud speaker flailing once again. Red lights shining into the room as a black wall slammed down where the Stateria had just passed through. It immediately slammed down, slicing the parts of the door that were still there. Looking forward we saw the same on our end. A black containment door dropped and sealed off our escape route.

    Oh shit! "Emilia! what the hell is going on?" I shouted to her.

    "I'm trying to hear!" She said back to me.

    Emilia "What is it saying!?"

    "Something about the area being compromised. A serve photon aggregation or something inside this place, and because of it we're trapped!"

    With that thing?! Oh no...

    The PA system repeated it's works for a moment, and then the voice changed to a different male's voice. It's tone was sinister, and the beginning of each line seemed to start the same.. As it began to speak through the single PA in the room, we saw the Stateria's axe smash it.

    Whatever it was, it was tired of the voice.

    The lights returned to normal, but the walls that sealed us in the room stayed down.

    I looked at the Stateria again.

    I got it. The Stateria must be the source. I know for a fact A-photons can be dangerous. That must be it. The core is unstable and the lockdown was initiated. It's got to be that, right?

    A roar made me realize that regardless, we're going to have to fight this thing. This thing is injured. This thing is hurt. We can do this, and we can win.

    I pulled out my claw from my nanotransmitter.

    "Emilia, we can take this thing." I said to her.

    We can handle this…

    Emilia didn't share my barely-there confidence.

    "Whaddaya mean, handle this?" She said. "Don’t tell me you’re going to fight that thing?!"

    "Not me. Us Emilia. If we work together we can stop that thing. If I can take out that core, we could stop this thing." I told her

    Emilia and I looked at eachother eye to eye.

    "What choices do we have left?" I said.

    Emilia knew we were out of options too.

    "Ungh…this is a really really bad idea." She grabbed her staff off the ground took a battle stance with it. "Alright, I’m with you! If you say we can handle it, we can handle it!"

    We watched as the Stateria jumped down onto the circular platform of ours brandishing it's oversized axe.

    "So then Mathis...what's the plan?" Emilia said to me.

    I could see she was a bit scared, but seemed to be fighting through that fear.

    I needed to do all I could to help her.
    For that I needed a plan. Or something...or anything

    Ok Mathis, think. How do I stop that thing?

    The core.
    Yea, like I said before, the core.

    If I can damage that A-photon core I might be able to make it fail and shut down. A trap could do the trick. Take out the power cord and machine goes dead.

    Ok. That's the goal. Now how in the hell do I get there?

    I can't risk going toe to toe with this thing...A direct hit and I'll be a goner. I don't have any good armor even capable of protecting me from injury. I can shrug off a few things, but not that axe.

    As long as she's got my line shield... Emilia could on the other hand. And that Zonde she can do might...if she could keep it in that zone and keep it distracted on her I could sneak up and throw in my trap bombs.

    The Stateria jumped from towards our position. I looked up and saw the Stateria's Axe about to come down upon us.
    I quickly threw myself to the left, and Emilia threw herself to the right as an oversized axe sparking with electric photons came crashing down where we stood.

    "Mathis! What do we do?!" I herd Emila call to me.

    Emilia's going to have to risk and bait it.

    "Emilia! You have to distract it so I can get in close!" I yelled back to her. "Use your Zonde!"

    "WHAT?!" I herd Emilia yell back at me "Are you out of your mind?!"

    The Stateria took no time to attack. It immediately raised it's battle axe again at me.

    I shouted back "You've got the line shield! If that thing hits me I'm dead!"

    "oh damn it..." I thought i overheard Emilia said.

    "Listen Emilia, You have to keep that thing focused on you so I can take out it's photon core!"

    The thing seemed to notice me first. The very thing I didn't want it to.
    Well, actually swinging it's oversized weapon was the thing I didn't want it to do...
    Which it just did.

    I brought up the Aegis to defend myself just in time with just precision. The corner of my eyes saw Emilia's face of shock, probably wondering what I was doing.
    Normally, a tiny shield like the Aegis shouldn't, by all accounts, to protect me in the slightest from a axe the size of a small vehicle, but this shield of mine wasn't a ordinary shield, this was my shield, and I knew the Aegis wouldn't fail me.

    I rose the shield up and shouted it's name. Yellow photons gathered around me and formed around the shield as I raised it up, the shield making a slight photon coat just as the oversized Axe connected with the shield... and instead of it turning me into mush the axe bounced off my shield as if it hit a steel wall and it's own momentum was reflected back at itself, throwing the massive machine off it's balance.

    This was my chance. I needed something with a big bang to knock this thing off it's feet. I quickly grabbed one of my firebomb traps from my nanotransmitter, primed it and threw it at the creature.

    The explosion knocked it off it's feet and the Stateria crashed on it's back.

    “Yes!” I exclaimed.

    Now quickly, while it's down forget the plan, get on it and jam something into that core.

    I listened to my own head and I began to run as fast as I could to the killing machine and jumped upon it's frame.
    As my feet took hold I immediately pulled out my giant sword from my nanotransmitter to take out he photon core of this monster.

    All I need to do is stop this thing.
    Damage the power core and cause it to shut down. This giant sword I've been holding onto for months should do the trick. I pulled out my giant blade and ignited it's photons, the blade shimming to life with a orange coat. My hands gripped the blade as tight as I could and I jammed the blade into the machine's core.

    The blade cracked the Core's containment, but failed to penetrate it. I rose the blade back up to try again, cracking the container further.

    I brought the sword up one more time to jam it in.
    I felt the Stateria starting to move once more, but my body acted first, jamming the giant sword into the giant core further, finally logging it in just in time as it began to move.

    And I suddenly realized I shoulda jumped when I had the chance, and far too late to pull away as I saw in the corner of my eye the Statera's hand coming for me.

    I pulled back, but the logged blade kept my in place long enough for the Stateria's hand to grab me with it's big metallic claw.

    “Mathis!” I herd Emilia yell. I struggled to break free, but I couldn't against this thing's massive grip as it tightened around my body as it got back up on it's feet, one hand holding onto it's axe, the other onto me.

    Emilia just stood there in paralysis without a clue of how to help me, her only ticket out of this deathtrap.

    ...this is bad...

    Instead of crushing me as I'd expect, I felt the giant metal beast's hand begin to cock itself back...

    ...oh shit please tell me he's not...

    Emilia yelled my name as I felt my body jerk forward as he did exactly what I feared and threw me across the platform. With a loud Ahhh I hit the platform, hearing my left arm breaking as I landed on it, my body rolling like a log closer and closer towards the platform's edge.

    “Oh shit! Shit!”

    My eyes widened as my body skidded to the edge, every fiber of my being trying to move forward to stop myself from falling over.

    I succeeded just in time, my body slowed to a stop just as half my legs were off the platform.

    I took a moment and gave a breath of relief that I wasn't going over, and another to feel the pain in my now broken left arm surging with adrenaline as the only thing keeping me from screaming in pain.

    Damn shottly throw, landed on my arm and broke it.

    With a flick of my right hand I quickly popped a Trimate out of my nanotranmitter, using my good hand turned the bottom of the device and revealed a injector needle, and jammed said needle right into my arm.
    I instantly felt the mate go to work, the pain doubled, and then slowly began to fate. My arm still couldn't move, but it would soon.

    “I'm gonna need to find a real doctor after this...” I thought

    “Mathis! Look out!”


    I looked up to see the giant Stateria with it's axe raised. It seemed to be gathering photons to itself, my blurry vision giving me enough of a clue that it ceased to stop when I did. I saw a blur of what I assumed was Emilia rushing towards me as the Stateria unleashed it's next attack.

    The photons around the metal monster exploded, photons bursted from it, knocking Emilia right off her feet and sending photonic lightingbolts jumping from the axe's tip and crashing into the ground nearby, sending small shockwaves everywhere.

    Said shockwaves was enough to send me over the edge. I felt my own body losing it's balance on the platform, the energy sending me back just enough for gravity to do the rest.

    I felt my body slipping, and quickly acted. My trusty photon claw formed in my right hand's grip and holding it in reverse I jammed it into the platform to keep myself from falling all the way over. My chest was barely over the platform.

    I looked down. I may not know exactly what's down in that watery abyss, but I definitely know it's death that awaits me if I do. And I was not going to die in this filthy hole.
    I tried to pull myself back up, but I couldn't. My right hand couldn't pull my whole body up without loosening my claw's grip and sending me into the abyss, and my left arm still couldn't move.
    My legs though, could move. I began to think of a way to pull me up.

    I looked forward to my opponent, and I realized I wouldn't have time for any of that.
    I saw the Stateria very close, and ready to finish me off.

    “Oh no...” I muttered under my breath...

    There was no way I could defend myself from this thing, no way to evade except for letting go...

    My eyes traced to Emilia, and I saw her messing with her rod.
    I saw her mumble something to herself, like “this better work” and I saw yellow photons gather around her staff.

    "HEY YOU! UGLY! OVER HERE!" I heard Emilia shout before she released her first strike. A Zonde of moderate size came out blasting the Stateria's back, knocking it forward a inch, and definitely getting it's attention.

    “BIG SHOT! OVER HERE!” I herd Emilia yell again, unleashing more photonic lighting bolts at the metal monster to lure it away from me.

    And it worked.
    My face lit up as I saw the Stateria turn around and began to focus on the new threat that was pounding it over and over again, leaving me to my own devices.

    Clever girl. Thank the great light.

    It got closer and closer to her.

    Ok, Mathis, come up with a plan. My legs! Yes, go back to that.

    I slowly began to swing my lower torso, hoping I could swing myself back up the platform.

    I gave all my might with one final swing, swinging my right leg across and it peaked over the platform. I felt my body swing left in recoil and my claw's grip in the platform beginning to weaken. As my body swung right again I moved my foot up and caught the platform with it.
    I promptly pushed myself up and rolled over my claw and onto sweet, sweet safe land. I “celebrated” with using another Trimate, taking off the top and drinking it down. Tasted like crap, but it's healing should get the rest of me fixed up for now.

    “GAHHHH!” I herd my companion scream. I turned to see Emilia not doing well against the Stateria. She just nearly missed the thing's oversized axe by just a inch.

    I saw Emilia launch two more Zondes at it. The first one was smacked aside by the Stateria's massive axe, and the second struck it in the shoulder, knocking it back again.

    “Oh come-on!” I herd Emilia say to herself.

    It's why I was aiming for the core. The armor is incredibly durable, it'll take a lot of force and a firepower we didn't have to bring it down.

    To counter-attack the hit to the shoulder, it gave a wide horizontal sweep with it's axe, knocking Emilia onto her back.

    ...I gotta help her.

    I turned once again and rolled on my stomach, and pushed myself up with my good arm and my knees and got back on my feet as Emilia did the same

    But before I could re-join the fight, I saw the Stateria jump off the ground with it's axe in hand and brought it down onto Emilia. Emilia panicked, and rose her simple staff in defensive position to protect herself.

    The Stateria brought the oversized weapon down on my companion and kicked up a cloud of dust.

    When the dust cleared, Emilia was still there along cracked marble, the staff not really protecting her, but still ontop of her. Both she and her staff was in one piece, just dazed and slightly hurt.

    It would have been Instant death, if not thanks to that line shield.

    The Stateria didn't stop his attack, and brought his oversized axe up once again to bring it down right ontop my companion. Emilia rolled to her side and evaded the blow just in time, but couldn't dodge the axe sliding to and hitting Emilia like hockey puck.

    My photon gun was already in my good right hand, and I started unloading my weapon into it. I had to get it away from her.

    Shot after shot after shot, and it barely noticed anything.
    Damn it. Why'd I let that guy borrow my H K? I need my Smg back.

    I needed something with a kick to get his attention.

    I put the nanotransmitter away and slid out another trap bomb. I primed the a freeze trap bomb, dropped it on the ground and kicked it the Stateria's way.

    The bomb slipped under the monstrosity and exploded, Encasing the thing's left leg in ice and stopping it's advance on Emilia.
    Seven left.

    As it realized it was stuck and tried to move his leg to break free, I dropped and kicked my EX firebomb his way, the bomb exploding under it's core, scoring a direct hit to the target and encasing the thing in flames.

    Emilia and I stopped where we were, both of us on opposite sides of our giant opponent

    “Emilia! How you holding up?” I shouted in this moment of downtime.

    “I think this line shield isn't working!” Emilia said to me.

    “Let me get you a Trimate. It should fix it!” I shouted back to her, before reaching into my pocket and fetching it for her. Shuffling through...I could only find one left. I'm using them up too fast.

    But before I could get it. The fading dust cloud was blown away again by the Stateria, both of us hearing the monstrosity's roar.

    I did some damage to this thing finally. I could see it's core now had three gushing spots of photons,and the core itself had multiple cracks all over. The Machine's axe was now sparking endlessly with electricity, a last ditch effort to make itself more dangerous right now.

    We were almost done here.

    The Stateria turned and rushed me. It placed it's lighting axe down and like a battering ram charged at me with intent to ram me with it.

    I easily moved to the side and evaded it, dodging to my left, my clothes getting a little zapped with electricity. I took a photon gun out with my left hand and began firing at the core.
    Most of my shots missed...but I did suddenly realize my left hand could now move.

    I switched hands took aim and with one charged shot on my right, striking the core of the machine and jumped back to avoid the Stateria's massive slash at me.

    The Stateria was knocked a step back as my shot cracked it's core further.

    The Stateria re-gained it's balance and prepared to attack me once again, only for three more Zondes to blast it's armor from it's side. Emilia, standing in the middle of the platform with a smile and her rod sparking, gather more photons for another Zonde.

    They didn't seem to do too much damage to it, but she definitely got it's attention again. It began to move her way. The Stateria held it's oversized axe with both hands approaching Emilia, who was in the center of the platform, to take her out.

    Once again, I love stateria. Pre-planned robotic movements and intelligence. It makes them very easy to exploit.

    I fastened my claw on my hand, readied the bombs I had left, and took off running at it while it was not focused on me.

    The Stateria brought it's axe behind him winding up his attack, the axe's shaft looking like a perfect stepping stone, abit a electrified one.

    I jumped off the ground, my shoes getting slightly burnt by the electricity as I landed on the shaft of the Axe, and hopping off it like a stepping stone.
    The Stateria swung it's weapon as soon as my feet left it, swinging in a upward arc at Emilia.
    Figuring I heard no screams or sounds of death, I assume she dodged.

    I saw my opening in the A-photon core, the one it got earlier from me. I bounced off the leg joints and made my jump onto the core itself with my free hand grabbing onto the ledge.

    My hand instantly began to burn feeling it. My glove started to burn awa-
    DAMN IT It's hot.

    The hole was bigger then I needed, thank the great light. I don't have to wedge it open with my claw.

    The Stateria suddenly knew I was on it's weakspot.
    I only had a few seconds.

    The hole was small, enough for a hand to fit into. Or in my case, a nano-transmitter.

    I took out my nano-transmitter off my clothes and put it through the hole.
    I began to shake it, a setting I pre-made onto it. All my remaining trap bombs fell out of my Nano-transmitter and rolled inside the A-photon core.

    This was just intime for me to jump off the stateria before it sparked with electricity. My body took a single hit, but my adrenaline shrugged it off. I landed hit the floor rolling and landing properly for once.

    I got up as fast as I could (which wasn't all too fast, with everything taking it's toll on me by now), and pulled out my detonator and just pressed it without a second's haste.

    Just as the Stateria began to turn to face me, from the corner of my eye I saw red explodingout from the blue flumes of the cracked A-photon containment core, as all of my trap bombs went off at once in the machine's power core and destroyed whatever batteries that powered this metal monster.

    The Axe fell to the ground, the Stateria went limp, leaning a bit forward as the power within the machine died and it shut down.

    We both held our breaths for a full minute, unsure that the fight was truly over. I saw Emilia just standing there, her hands on her staff almost shivering waiting for the moment the machine to continue moving.
    The whole room went silent, waiting for that expectation that something was going to happen, the suspenseful moment waiting for the terror to continue.

    A minute passed, and it didn't.

    “Mathis...” Emilia said lightly, the silence of the room making even the most faint sounds audible. “...Is it over?”

    I limped over to her.

    My whole body hurt now. The adrenaline was gone, and I felt the pain all over my body.
    Ow, my clothes were tattered, my left leg was battered, my skin has small cuts all over it, my right arm had a bunch of cuts, but thanks to the superheated a-photons they cauterized. My right glove was flat out gone, burnt away, my right hand slightly burnt.
    And yet I smiled.

    Emilia's pose got less tense as I limped pass the immobilized Stateria.

    “Mathis?” She said.

    I made it to center of the platform, aka where Emilia is.

    She gave me a inquisitive look.

    I raised my hand upward in response, My hand flat upward


    I smiled. Emilia's face lit up as she got it.

    With a little unneccesary hop, Emilia high five'd me with a big smile on her face.

    “YES!” She shouted.

    “Yea” I spoke “ We did it...”

    My body felt battered and tired. I could barely move.

    “We did it!” Said Emilia who on the other hand raised her hands up in joy, ecstatic of our victory and still filled with energy. “The bigger they are the harder they fall!”

    We both promptly looked at the massive dead Stateria.
    “Well...the better they limp over”

    We both cracked a smile and we both laughed.

    The tension left Emilia, I could see her shoulders relaxing as the girl exhaled like if she just exhaled for the first time. She put her hand on my shoude-ow ow my shoulder still hurts...

    “Mathis, you were amazing. Really...I...I didn't think we could do it. When I thought you were gonna fall over I thought we were done for. You're really something Mathis.”

    We both noticed that there was no tingle of the line shield coat, as her skin touched my raw cut shoulder.

    Emilia took a step back in shock. “Ack! It's off?”

    “I guess so, I suppose the last hit knocked my line shield out.” I said nonchalantly.

    “ACK! I coulda died! Why didn't you tell me?!” She said, almost negligent that I've nearly died a few times already now.

    I pocked that response.
    Instead, I unpocked a monomate I had and handed it to her.

    “Here you go” I said to her “You can use it on the line shield to rep-

    I felt it.


    I pushed Emilia to the side. I looked to our side. The stateria was alive, the Stateria was active. The thing wasn't dead.

    I turned to face it.
    It's claw was headed right towards me. The thing was going down, and it had one more move to do before it died, one last strike...

    I went to raise the Aegis to defend myself.

    ….But I couldn't.

    My mind went into shock.

    Move, I told myself
    Move, I told myself

    But I couldn't move.

    Raise my shield, defend, block the attack.
    Fall to the side, to get out of the way,
    Raise my shield, defend, block the attack.

    My body went stiff. I felt like if gravity itself has betrayed me, my whole being refusing to move one iota, aside from my single shove. My own body's weight felt like it became a pile of bricks and completely unmovable.
    My body surrendered...


    oh no no can't end like this.



    I can't!

    I won't....

    The claw came do-



    My eyes opened up.
    My body felt numb...actually...I-I couldn't feel it.
    I couldn't feel anything....ju...just a bit lighter... right arm's not there anymore....I can't feel it...or my legs...

    oh, there's's a few feet away from me...ahhh, that's why...

    ...that cut me to pieces....

    ...yes...that whole platform....where blood is all over...

    ...Why don't I feel anything...

    ...shouldn't I feel the dimates being poured in me?

    is this?
    What is

    Oh...I'm dying...

    I can feel it makes sense....
    My body got cut apart. This must be that moment before you die...
    I guess there's no Ethan Waber to save me this time...

    ...I really don't wanna die here...I thought I'd die older...

    ...Why do I feel so serene right the weight of the world is a light wants to take me away...

    aahh...Emilia's here.

    She was giving me chest compressions, I saw her mouth moving like she was speaking to me. I saw another one of my mates being injected into me, before throwing it away onto a pile of others.

    Like that'd work.

    That light is starting to come back on her too...lines beginning to glow all across her
    I suppose it makes's weird

    I faintly heard the words “don't die on me”

    It seemed like it was getting louder. Weird, figuring I'm missing one ear. I guess that's something the living can dwell on...

    Pity I can't speak...or I can't hear her...I wanna say tell her to run.
    But I can't, and all I see is her trying to revive me....and that thing waking back up....

    That thing looks like it's getting back up again, I guess my bomb just shut it down just for a moment.

    Run you idiot...

    Run. You can get away before it kills you.

    At least make my death worth somethin...


    I couldn't even keep my promise to you Nagi...I really, really wanted to see you I was such a stupid kid...I should have never made that promise to you...



    I'm're gonna cry again...




    “MATHIS! Stay with me!”



    “No...oh no no...oh great light no...”



    “Damn it, wake up...please wake up...”


    “No no! I don't want to be alone...please wake up, don't die on me Mathis...I...ahhh....Please don’t leave me alone!!!!”




    You are not alone. I am with you always”

    Chapter 6 End.


    With the one you hope to meet again,
    The one you find, when all is dark again...... those lyrics can be even more engrish and cheesy when I write them.
    Granted, they're cheesy and all engrish anyway...

    Wish upon a star,
    Hope to be again,
    The one you find, when all is done and through
    (if the lyrics are correct)

    Still, I hear that first part.
    Wow...such a whiplash from the ending to this chapter? Mathis is dead, Emilia is well, something strange is happening to her, and then blam! The opening credits.
    For the complete experience, go look up said opening credits and enjoy the engrish that is a mostly cool opening (if the OST is correct, Living universe is the track's name).

    (They shine on!)

    Aside from
    (They shine on!)

    ...happening over and over. Eh, whateves, I still enjoyed it, even though I prefer Ignite infinity over Living universe, despite it also being very engrishy, at least they don't shine on).

    (They shine on!)


    They stopped shining on? Good.

    Anyway, the next chapter will, long story short, be weird. Weird to both Mathis and you (so, weird and meta-weird?), but it will make sense eventually (at this rate, definitely be some time), I promise.
    It's also why 7 and 8 will be packed together....with those out of the way I might be close to actually wrapping up universe 1 and move on to the next part of our story.

    This ends this author's notes, I hope you enjoy the next one, and the next two chapters of PHANTASY STAR PORTABLE 2: I NEED A NEW MAIN CHARACTER!

    PS- I thought we had color here. I wanted the ending there to have Emilia's voice turn yellow, but I can't seem to find the means to do that. how do you do that once again?
    Last edited by Nicktendonick; Mar 14, 2013 at 11:05 PM.

  2. #12
    Space Hobobo Bo Bobo yoshiblue's Avatar
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    Moons don't come cheap! Heh. Interesting take on the intro though. Got to hate hard to kill foes. Also, finally! Some talk about line shields. I always figured they would be powered by the same thing that handles your hyper space inventory, communications and the like.

  3. #13
    Kalidoscope Walker Nicktendonick's Avatar
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    Indeed they don't. But luckily figuring what's coming next, there should be a nice set of funds to draw from.

    For how I imagine Line shields, no. They're all powered by different things.
    If I remember the story correctly, A-photons are used to power the nano-transmitter. As for the line shields they are powered by their own source. In a way, they function like shields from halo gameplay-wise. They give you shields that protect your body from harm, allowing the person to be Made of iron (assuming they're not already. We'll meet a few during the course of the story).

    But like Mathis said, a hit is a hit, hit the person hard enough you can still knock them out. But if the shield takes enough damage (as it did Emilia here), the shield can go down. That's were the mates come in. Apply the mates to the device to have the nano-bots to work on that and repair it. The whole line-shield system though works on gathering photons to make this skin-like barrier.

    The more I thought about it, this invention has reinvented warfare and combat in my Gurhal system. People can now slash at eachother with swords, shoot eachother in the face, and take lethal injuries without them being lethal (IE the giant axe not turning Emilia into mush). In warfare guns have slowly fallen from the place we have them now, as the be all end all. It's also why much tech has shifted to similar photon-based weaponry, as to counter the shields.

    The photonic weapons and energy colliding does puts much more of a toll on shields compared to (as nanoha likes to put it) mass based things. in the bigger multi-verse terms of the elemental paper rock scissors, Photons resist mass and mana (and if it was pokemon, would be a decent defensive type).

    As said, in the great race war 100 years prior to the games, this invention radically changed the face of warfare. A set of skilled fighters and forces could plow through mass gunfire platoons and maul them to pieces. Soon it leaked to all sides of the conflict and warfare completely changed in Gurhal. While some factions still kept a military style training and work (which was imported into the AMF, as most of it's vets were trained this way), others began to train their forces in different means of warfare then just gun-based infantry
    This also moved the factions to find alternative weapons means to stop them.

    This also moved the humans to find other ways such as a EMP style weapon to cause Instant Crash Syndrome against Casts (this will re-appear), and biological weaponry against organics (which eventually was taken by the Illuminus, and you know exactly what they did with it). Don't take this last line as Canon, but I'd guess the A-photon bomb began at this age, or whatever equalvent they have to nuclear weapons.

    Instant Crash Syndrome-
    The ICS-shockwave weaponry was a pretty nasty weapon, afflicting the brains of casts and giving all those exposed to the weapon very serious cases of ICS. Originally the Cast's army (I need a name for them. "Cast Liberation Army"?) tried to build casts who would have a dual-processor brain like setup, so they can use both afflicted brains in unison to prevent crashing (which in the middle of piloting a gunship or the middle of a battlefield, equals death), and just replace one damaged processor with a good processor and forget about scrapping the whole cast.
    After a series of (semi-successful) units made in this model, It cost too much to really implement, and the cast leadership decided that disposable mass producing zerg rushing infantry and flood the battlefields with casts would do instead.
    The origins of the Lou project also started here (having the central mind elsewhere, turning the cast infantry into drones. But amount of drones it could control to be effective was too small for mass warfare. Also, the security and protections needed to keep the system safe wasn't made until the modern time-line. The moment it was, the Guardians revived two old projects that were scrapped due to the low tech. Project L.O.U and Project Tenma

    ....oh well, at least those are my notes and thoughts on the subjects, and/or how they apply here.

    As for the Stateria....

    Anyway man, thank you for replying. I appreciate it.
    Last edited by Nicktendonick; Mar 19, 2013 at 01:01 AM.

  4. #14
    Kalidoscope Walker Nicktendonick's Avatar
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    Ahh, that was a fun hiatus.

    My college classes consumed me for the mostpart, so I didn't really have any time to, well, do anything but my classwork.
    Classes are finally through for the summer, and starting this Tuesday I should be able to resume doing things other then learning cramming for Pre-calc and Trig (and American government, but that was a easier (and fun) class)

    I love math, and even I found it hard.

    But I feel that it's probably the learning curve being the source of that, and I should have gone to a tutor earlier to help me understand this stuff, instead of half-way through. Would have made jumping that curve much easier, instead of it being like Ninja Warrior / Mt. Sasuke's Warped Wall (anyone seen that show? Great show)

    Expect updates to resume soon. Like said, chapter 7 and 8 have to go together, cause 7 is about as crazy as the past 2 months for me have been and eight is back to business

    I didn't know where else to put this, so I decided here. Hope you all don't mind

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