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  1. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by Silenttank View Post
    I feel the same way, but the PSO community I've met is a lot better then most MMO's I've played.
    Wholeheartedly agree for the most part. I've been with the PSO community since the Dreamcast era and it's one of the better game communities I've been a part of.

    Only stating my opinion from this point on, but the sense of camaraderie and general friendliness seemed to wane with the coming of PSU, and I don't think it's so much that the game had much to do with it but rather the internet's general shift in attitude toward the negative.

    I think the PSO/PSU community is still a fair deal better than most out there, but the good parts are definitely overshadowed by the negativity and elitism that has come with the growing of the internet and other games in the genre.

  2. #32


    I guess I'm what you'd call a floater. I don't join clans or hang around "cliques" of players, largely because I don't want to have to deal with the inevitable bullshit drama that follows when you get too closely involved with any one group. I've had enough of that shit in high-school. I like the freedom of just joining a party, having some fun, and then leaving and wiping the slate clean. It doesn't mean I don't make friends, but internet people come and go, and I'm not going to waste time getting too involved with something so transitory.

    I spent most of PSO attached at the hip to a little FOnewearl named Amy, and while I enjoyed the time I spent with her, I didn't get as much of a chance to play or meet new people as I wanted. So, yeah. I cut my ties before they get too tangled and play on my own terms. I end up quitting Clan/Group oriented MMO's like FFXI early as well, but for a different reason. In those kinds of games, it's hard to join random groups since their skill and coordination is rather low, and if one person drops the ball - the entire party can get wiped out. But if you join a group of skilled, or at least well coordinated players, you end up spending most of your time just sitting around and waiting for everyone to get their shit together and get online at the same time and then wait around while they agree on where to go, what to hunt, who get the loot... fuck! I don't need or want a committee to decide on what or when I get a chance to actually play the game. The great thing about PSO/PSU is that you can just jump into a game and go. If they're bad players, eh, you can still get things done. If they're good, the game is amazing.

    Also, Beep Beep...
    Last edited by Sinue_v2; Jun 10, 2012 at 06:06 PM.

    Feed men, and then ask of them virtue!

  3. #33


    Just what everyone has said so far, avoiding unneeded drama and getting dragged with them when things fall apart. I also really hate how some of the groups expect me to donate all of my in game earnings to the group bank for group rating.

    A lot of them start out casual, but will almost always turn into another drama filled group later.
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