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  1. #1

    Default Post your issues and Gripes with Pso2

    Hey there all post your issues and gripes you have with pso2. Also inb4 the game is in japanese that one doesn't count.

    Here are mine.

    1: Ok sega its the year 2012, can we please have meseta be auto pickup? do we really need to click every little yellow diamond? Yes this comes off as lazy, but still alot of games are having this feature now a days and its more of a timer saver than you'd think it'd be.

    2: Launchers OPness, I love this weapon but even as a ranger I feel its really overpowered to hell and back, with a non-grinded weap with no ele i have done 800 damage pa's with this thing and hit like 4-6 mobs at once for that, my ranger is only lv 12.

    3: Droprate: not how often items drop but what, it seems as a ranger nothing ever drops but guns or armor for me, I rarely see a disk or any other item type drop. While nice in a way that its skewed towards your current class, I'd like to be able to find stuff for my other classes.

    4: Lag: I don't know whats happened in the last 30 hours but the game is alot laggier than I remember it, Maybe sega is running some kinda diagnostic program to find the lag issue on the server? It never used to lag for me during the time english players usually play.

    5: This one is SoA's fault, they need to announce whether pso2 is coming here or not and stop teasing us with hints and such. I like pso2 but I have to admit i'd play it alot more and be alot more likely to spend in the cash shop if I could actually understand whats going on.

    Well this is 5 of my gripes/issues what are some of yours?
    Also.. anyone know of a good japanese wiki for pso2? something I can throw into google translate if possible?

  2. #2

  3. #3


    I can't read what the client orders say, so I pretty much have no idea what to do. That is my only complaint.

    Sega forum: Home Dog
    YouTube: GamerTime1226

  4. #4


    My only problem is the lack of weapon types. Actually I'd be fine if they added shotguns lol.

    Also the lag is an issue SEGA has only had for this open beta and they don't know what's causing it exactly. They're working on a fix.

    Specific Rifle PAs end up being as good if not better than launchers, also end up making launchers even more OP! lol (Weak shot then switch to launcher :P ) It's just rangers being overpowered lol

    If you want hunter weapons, go play as hunter. And personally I find plenty of useless discs as Ranger. I'd actually like less lol

    Also autopick-up meseta? really? lol Lazy lol :P

    soo yea my only real problem is no shotguns yet!
    So long Xbox servers! Hello JP PSU, Infinity, and PSO2!

    JP PSU: Samus Aran lvl 180/20 GM

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Home Dog View Post
    I can't read what the client orders say, so I pretty much have no idea what to do. That is my only complaint.
    Go here, it will help:

  6. #6


    Current lack of Weapon types (overlooking this mainly due to it being open beta and I don't expect everything right away)
    I can't read anything

    but all of those are fixable. PSO2 feels amazing to me overall

  7. #7


    1: Character customization, while super woefully limited for costume/hair-dos... Beginning costume selection would be good if armor upgrades changed your appearance more than they do, but they don't... As for the hair, it's just plain limited. Given how extensive and awesome the character customization thing is, you should at the very least be able to adjust the length of the pre-set hair-dos.

    2: Game could use some more mid-tier enemies. Like those rolly dudes in the forest maps, or the queen/breeder/flying things. Just stuff to break the monotony of heaps of easy trash before a boss. And I don't mean super rare code: Attack things either. Just maybe one or 2 for every 3-5 rooms of fights.. instead of 1 or 2 every entire dungeon.

    3: Cash... it's too useless. I mean you can buy healing drinks...and..uhh. that's about it. The weapon/armor/disc shops sell stuff that's useless past level 2! We should be able to buy some kind of real gear upgrades. Maybe not endgame top tier for level gear. But we should at LEAST be able to buy something of AVERAGE strength for its level. But no, I've been wearing the same armor I've had since level 6.. and I'm 15 now, my savings should be able to help with that but it can't.

    4: Gear drops are unexciting. Basically, when you're doing a dungeon, and you see an equipment drop, you really aren't expecting it to be anything but vendor fodder. Rare drops can be rare, ok, but again, you should be able to upgrade your equipment often enough that if you see something you wear drop in a dungeon that's 10 levels higher than the one you got your current not even rare equipment from, that you should at LEAST be excited for an upgrade. But the fact is it's really more like "who am I kidding, it's gonna be junk". Kinda like diablo 3 in that sense.

    5: Camera is too limited. I mean yeah it's functional, and no it doesn't get me killed. But the characters look great, and the customization is great. You should be able to adjust the camera, or have a dramatic camera mode or something just so it looks coolier/prettier/baddassier. A free camera mode would also be a bonus.

    Technical stuff like lag and whatever is obvious but I dont' want to count them since...well...they're obvious and universal to all games with them really.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by pikachief View Post
    My only problem is the lack of weapon types. Actually I'd be fine if they added shotguns lol.
    There is a photon art for one of the guns that acts like a shotgun. i use it on the birds, and it is quite helpful.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Ghalion View Post

    3: Cash... it's too useless. I mean you can buy healing drinks...and..uhh. that's about it. The weapon/armor/disc shops sell stuff that's useless past level 2! We should be able to buy some kind of real gear upgrades. Maybe not endgame top tier for level gear. But we should at LEAST be able to buy something of AVERAGE strength for its level. But no, I've been wearing the same armor I've had since level 6.. and I'm 15 now, my savings should be able to help with that but it can't.

    4: Gear drops are unexciting. Basically, when you're doing a dungeon, and you see an equipment drop, you really aren't expecting it to be anything but vendor fodder. Rare drops can be rare, ok, but again, you should be able to upgrade your equipment often enough that if you see something you wear drop in a dungeon that's 10 levels higher than the one you got your current not even rare equipment from, that you should at LEAST be excited for an upgrade. But the fact is it's really more like "who am I kidding, it's gonna be junk". Kinda like diablo 3 in that sense.
    This is *exactly* like Diablo 3. Everything is either vendor trash or the occasional low-level AH fodder (on higher levels).

    The vendors *never* have anything worth a damn at *any* level. Really, the only use I have for items/shields is income and mag feed.

    And when we're given the opportunity to grind items? It becomes even more ridiculous.

    On a different note- I'm sad that there's no sabers of any kind in this game.

    I miss being able to equip a saber/shield, or saber/handgun- hell, even twin sabers. I guess we have gunblades now, but it's just not the same.

    AND ANOTHER THING: The area variety in this game is MISERABLE.

    I'm probably ten hours in, and I've only seen two kinds of areas- randomly generated template forests, or randomly generated template caves. At least they aren't completely flat (jumping is nice), but still. After five hours in a single forest with no other options availible to you, you start to get a little frustrated. I'm already getting sick of caves- they are cool and all, but I just want to clear freecaves in 20 min and get the hell outta dodge.
    Last edited by The Awesomeinator; Jun 24, 2012 at 11:16 PM.
    "Pony pony should pony pony." -Pony

  10. #10


    The majority of your drops reflects your role. As a Ranger, you'll have more gun drops then wands or swords.
    With Force, More wands, and Hunter, More Swords.

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