Quote Originally Posted by Saffran View Post
If you're connected with Wi-Fi, you deserve it.

In all seriousness though, even a microcut will kick you from those servers. If you're sure that your connexion is not the problem, just use Ethernet and 630 should never happen again.
wi-fi has nothing to do with it unless you have a really crappy wi-fi router. Even if you use ethernet, 630 can still occurred.

So I did a timeout check on cmd to see what's wring with it(ping ***.***.*** -**t ). It turned out that the timeout occurred quite often, like a timeout every 5-6 lines or double timeout or even tripple timeout occurred.

On my case, i used to have 630 occurred quite often, but only on the field, not in the lobby. Even changing to ethernet connection directly from the router didn't help. So I called over my ISP and they sent in the technician to see what happened.

Turned out that my splitter created too much noise and they replaced it with a new one. After that, did another timeout check and all those timeout lines are now gone. Now I don't have timeout as often, and hardly get any 630 anymore(still get it like once in 3-4 days or something like that).