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Thread: Affix Advice

  1. #1

    Default Affix Advice

    I'm already fully familiar with the mechanic of affix'ing. Since I will soon be getting my Seitenheise for my FOTEnewearl, I was thinking of trying to go for 4 affix. But I only got about 5-8mil to work with (if counting taco and doing the affix'ing by monday/tuesday).

    The usual Elder soul/Tech3/spirita boost + stamina3 or tech boost. (I would mention ability 3, but it's outclassed now for this weapon)

    Of the 3, I'm more interested in stamina3 to be honest. And I wouldn't mind being cheap and use that 30% affix booster so to not have to affix tech3 and stam3 on both fooder(since I don't really got any future plan for that booster other than this weapon). I just find myself to be squishy when I'm caught off guard, but I'm unsure if that 50hp would make any real difference (currently 57/47 FOTE, who barely touched AQ due to fear of wasting capsule due to DC, using Schlacht set affix'ed to elder/tech3/spirita earlier this week + that dagash talis with same affix that dropped and loving the damage and pp).

    Of course, I'm aware that with this race/class combo and the rest of the affix not geared for hp/defense, 50 extra hp would rarely save me from being a 2 shot from the more dangerous stuff. Which mean that tech boost might still be the better optimization for damage. And it would mean having to affix spirita 3 instead if I understood correctly about the fact only one stat ac boost item can be used (I would do like with the stamina3 affix'ing and use that 30% booster).

    Then again, I'm thinking of raising other sub class later on, FI for the usual and HU as a defensive tree (and getting a 2nd Schlacht set hp affix'ed for more survival, but only if I do level that class past lv30, because all that hp without HU's defense skills wouldn't allow taking much more damage than with the glass cannon build).

    Urgh, this turned into a wall of text as usual... I know I probably answered myself, and going more for stamina3, but I'm just looking for outside opinions here.

  2. #2


    StaminaIII is the middle option - it's good for now, but it won't be that much of a game changer later.

    3% resists are equal to StaminaIII once the ennemy attack reaches 7500Atk - just like Falz Hands train at lv60, for example. So for now, going for Resist affixes is not really the best choice, but it might be better later.

    Then again, Sega could change something *again* or release ultra batshit 15* units and wahtnot, and then the point is moot.
    Oserez-vous percer le mystère de la malédiction ?

  3. #3


    This is the kind of answer I wanted to see: the impact of a single stamina3 on the current game. Pretty much confirming what I was fearing.

  4. #4


    4x affixing cost me 4-5 mil on average with quartz soul, so the price should be about the same with elder.

    I'd personally 3x affix most weapons, save d sabers because I like to burn things.

    You shouldn't spend any more than 2 mil between the fodder and technique boost with a 3x affix, though the lack of mutation with elder soul on fodder results in one less option. I'd like to say you shouldn't need anything more than 10% boosters this week, but since I haven't really seen elder soul fodder with technique 3 outside of making it yourself, and the fact mutation/elder soul fodder is impossible... you're better off grabbing 2 elder soul/tech3/random fodders after you get elder soul/random/random on your rod and use a 10% booster+tech boost if you value your 30% booster (even if siten is a good rod, i wouldn't use a 30% booster on it).

    You'll be Dudu proof on the final affix with a 10% this week. Wait too long, and you'll have to pay 10 times as much for a 20% after the 17th.
    Last edited by Maninbluejumpsuit; Jul 15, 2013 at 02:00 AM.

  5. #5


    Just had a question -

    you said you were familiar with affixing - how would one actually go about affixing 4 slots? I'm lucky if I can manage 2, hell, I never go above two since I know I'll lose - every single time. And it's more fodder, more money, and before you know it, I'm down more cash that could have been used for something worthwhile.

    So how do you do it exactly? I could use tips. I'm thinking of buying a vardha unit set for armor (now that the requirements have dropped). It's probably the best choice for me right now. What I'd like to do is Vol Soul + Stamina III on all three units. Even that alone would make me happy. But I'd like to add a resist, or body II as a third. To me, that third seems impossible.

    What would you suggest?

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