I was wondering, if there isn't something like that already which I doubt. My idea is, a Affixing Calculator that will tell you what your fodders will need to have to get the minimum 80% excluding 20% booster. Lets say you wanted Vol/ Power 3/ Burn 3. You input that into the Target area then "It" (not sure if it should be a program or a site like the skill simulator" will tell you every way to get those whether it would be including an "Extra Slot" or with a 30% chance or 50% on Vol. "It" will practically be the affixing system but with a guide on how you do it. That is all I can think of right now. I don't even know how this would be made but I guess it's a suggestion if someone wanted to try and code this or make this if they have free time or something. Any ideas or input into this?