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- The end of a Phantasy - \par
My Room. \par
::P Machinery function:: \par
.. \par
::Give item:: \par
... \par
Star Atomizer \par
''It seems like this diet won't make you grow up fast, Bhirava'', I let go in a sigh, as I pat the head of my solemn hovering friend. \par
Bhirava \par
Production level 59 \par
GH 301 \par
''Bhirava''. I vaguely recall having had a ''MAG'' that went by that name. Followed me around... in a different world... perhaps it was just a dream. \par
A song is playing.. it isn't from this world, but I can hear it. It gives me hope, hope to live beyond death. Faith that I can; faith that I will. A.. Amethyste? Always Running... I find it soothing, fitting, such a harmonious melody. Odd twist of fate that the night I decide to write my memoirs, I am blessed with such a chant. \par
Hope... by Lemon and Einar K. Songs change, I stay idle, I contemplate those rooms of mine. Sitting in one; standing still in the other. Planning my life in one; my funeral in the other. \par
''I should be out in the field...'' I tell myself, eyes aching. \par
''I just want to sleep.. why am I still talking to you, Bhirava. Why am I still in this room?'' \par
A moment passes by. Bhirava doesn't utter a word. \par
He-she-it just hovers. \par
''O. I remembered, I'm waiting for you to be ready to accept another Star Atomizer. So much for ''force-feeding'' you to max level, uh? I guess I won't make it hard on you. I should probably just look up how long it takes instead of talking to myself in this room.'' \par
... \par
It would seem it'll take some time, but if all is good, Bhirava should be able to come with me for its first - perhaps its last - exit. S \par