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  1. #1

    Default weddle park vs Seimei Kikami

    which is better for illmegid?
    ID: joshirosama

  2. #2


    They say Seimei Kikami is slightly better. Maybe like ~15% better. And it's slightly worse because when you throw the talis sometimes it hits the ground. You can still cast but nothing comes out and it wastes your pp. Also on ship 2, making a 50% Dark Seimei Kikami is also cheaper. So it's pretty much preference. I've yet to try out the Weedle Park. I was about to 50% 4s one but then the DDoS attacks happened.
    Can't we all just get along?

  3. #3


    When you're using PP Convert or a Ketos Proi, a rod is better; you have a short burst of infinite Il Megid, and having to stop and throw a Talis every 3rd tech greatly lowers your DPS.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by MidCap View Post
    When you're using PP Convert or a Ketos Proi, a rod is better; you have a short burst of infinite Il Megid, and having to stop and throw a Talis every 3rd tech greatly lowers your DPS.
    It's every 5 techs for me, but that's probably beside the point.

    I actually don't have too much of a hard time working a Talis throw into my rotation (aside from the occasional botched Ilgrants.) And switching into TPS mode for a split second can help prevent Ilmegids from failing if that's a problem.

    Seimei-kikami is significantly cheaper, but Weddle Park seems to have more killing power. I went with the former, but I would recommend the latter if you can make the investment. Besides, while Talises are fun, Rods are still more straightforward.
    Last edited by Mega Ultra Chicken; Jul 31, 2014 at 03:32 PM.

  5. #5


    Seimei Kikami does more damage per cast if you have Talis Tech Bonus, but is slower due to each Talis bit expiring after 4 casts. Weddle Park does more damage without Talis Tech Bonus, and doesn't have the delay from throwing Talis bits like Seimei Kikami. Without Talis Tech Bonus, Weddle Park is completely superior. With it, Seimei Kikami is stronger but slower, and Weddle Park is faster but weaker.

    For a tech like Ilmegid, strength is more important, but if you're already one-shotting enemies, Weddle Park's speed advantage makes it preferable. Though, really...why not get both?

  6. #6


    I only have the Weddle Park 50 Dark potent lvl1, and I will recommend to combine it with Efficient Ilmegid lvl3 because having multiple Ilmegid is more effective against huge group of ennemies than the Umbral one which reduce the traveling speed of the tech. Even with Talis Tech Bonus, the final DPS will only vary a little.

    Yes you can choose to get Seimei + Efficient Ilmegid but the Talis needs to be thrown to get the bonus and it disappear after 4 casts which you won't always notice, so while your damage will be superior by about 10% there can be a variance in your DPS and like LonelyGaruga said it'll be slower because of the delay from throwing the Talis, while when using the Rod you'll just have to watch your PP like always so there won't be real drawbacks if you choose the Weddle Park.

    If, however, you can manage properly the drawbacks of the Talis then go for it, just remember to aim at an ennemy after throwing it because otherwise it will go straightforward until it hit an enemy or disappear (I say this in case you don't use the TPS mode and haven't locked on anything, happened to me recently by mistake )

  7. #7


    Hmm, perhaps a different opinion to be given here.

    I was in possession of a lv1 potential-unlocked Weddle Park and a lv1 potential-unlocked Seimei Kikami at the same time at one point (affixes weren't too different, neither were element values), and I decided to test which is better. I was (and am still using) Umbral Ilmegid.

    The simple conclusion for me was that Seimei Kikami is vastly superior. Weddle Park was doing about 7~8k per cast, whereas Seimei was doing solid 10k. Talis being slower to cast was also kind of a moot point for me because I throw the talis without tps mode and that allows you cast your ilmegid from a much closer range than the rod, killing things faster simply because my ilmegid casts didn't have to travel as much as the rod cast would have (this may be because of the reduced travel time from Umbral ilmegid).

    Having said that, this is specific to a playstyle where you don't want to get close and personal to the mobs. If you can and are more comfortable with the idea of melee-range casts of ilmegid, rod may be better for you, as weakpoint hitting with the hands becomes a thing at that point (case in point - goldrada face hitting using ilmegid is vastly easier to do with a rod than with a thrown talis, and in the long run do a lot more extra damage than what talis mastery will get you). I'm more prone to throwing talis and casting from afar.
    Last edited by worker; Aug 1, 2014 at 11:23 AM.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Cyber Meteor View Post
    I only have the Weddle Park 50 Dark potent lvl1, and I will recommend to combine it with Efficient Ilmegid lvl3 because having multiple Ilmegid is more effective against huge group of ennemies than the Umbral one which reduce the traveling speed of the tech. Even with Talis Tech Bonus, the final DPS will only vary a little.
    Efficient Ilmegid comes with a charge time penalty, so I don't really see how that makes it better for casting it repeatedly. Lower cost, but you have to wait longer per cast. Neither craft recipe is very useful. And Talis Tech Bonus is actually a pretty big jump, unless you have a suboptimal setup, like unaffixed equipment.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyber Meteor View Post
    Yes you can choose to get Seimei + Efficient Ilmegid but the Talis needs to be thrown to get the bonus and it disappear after 4 casts which you won't always notice
    You have to be an idiot to not be able to keep count. Throw, count casts until you hit 4, repeat. It's a two step flowchart. How difficult can that be to keep in mind?

  9. #9


    Power craft is great in my opinion. It adds a large amount of damage for slow travel speed. Travel speed doesn't matter when it's going to hit all of your targets anyway and kill them in less hits. Especially with pp convert and ketos proi, you get so much more out of your infinite pp.

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