So, I was thinking about it, and...

Dark Falz [Elder] - Aquatic Darkers
Dark Falz [Apprentice] - Insect Darkers
Dark Falz [Loser] - Bird Darkers
Dark Falz [Persona] - Mech Darkers (?)
Dark Falz [Double] - ARKS Clones (?)

We still barely know about [Persona], but I'm just guessing that maybe he's gonna end up with his own type of Darkers. Perhaps Mechs similar to the ones on Lilipa? And I'm guessing that [Double] is behind the ARKS cloning thing. Either Episode 3 will have [Double] as the new Dark Falz boss, or [Persona]. Or maybe even a new Dark Falz. I still hope that we'll eventually get a dragon-kin Dark Falz. (I've even made up a name for it. How does Dark Falz [Hydra] sound?)

Sorry, I barely started the Matter Board, so I don't know about this. I just watch videos on YouTube. I really don't mind the spoilers, the Matter Board is too time consuming.