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  1. #1

    Default What do we think of the races of PSO2?

    Going through an ancient thread about beast speculation before PSO2 was released, and how people didn't like how certain racial traits (insert CAST master race here) made other certain races redundant in PSU got me thinking about 'what if races were actually unique, and somewhat balanced?'

    By unique, I don't mean asthetically obviously (I've come to terms with how different ears is the most defining way to characterize the different races), I mean like PSO unique, except not totally gamebreaking and adapted for PSO2.

    The ship probably long sailed on an opportunity to do this, but for example; newmans don't have to sub/main Fo, Te, or Bo in order to use basic techs, and by basic techs, I mean the ones literally labeled basic tech when translated, such as foie, barta, megid, and the corresponding field support tech each element has (resta and anti aren't listed as basic techs, but should be included anyway because it's fking resta and anti, and similar in style to shifta, deband, zondeel, and -verse techs). This even doubles as a way to be a hybrid without having to play Te, or Bo in a certain fashion without gimping yourself (otherwise, you'd main some other striking/ranged class and sub Fo or Te and gimp yourself). Hell, susanoguren's T atk would actually have some sort of purpose, as well as other weapons with extra stats like coat edge.

    I don't have much more ideas for other races to have more defining features about them at this time though

    The dissapointment of HUnewearl going from something unique with its own advantages and disadvantages in PSO to just a way to identify a Hu with the worst possible base stats in PSO2 is catching up to me a little.

    Anyone else kinda miss traits, and tradeoffs races had like that instead of the current 'playing this race/gender with these classes isn't as good as another because of numberz'? What would you do?
    Last edited by Maninbluejumpsuit; Oct 5, 2014 at 07:27 PM.

    Shigure ship 2. Credit to agarwood for the picture!

  2. #2


    Humans: Nothing. HUMANS SUCK!

    *ahem* But more seriously, every skill that says 'main-class only' they can use while it's a subclass. Bam, instant versatility.

    Newmans: Can always cast techs. Any tech. No matter what class. (Not much point to using offensive techs without Fo but you can at least use Resta and Anti freely as opposed to chugging mates and atomizers while throwing out the occasional Zondeel or whatever). As a bonus, they always have 1/2-effectiveness charge PP revival (picking it up on the Force tree would just increase it to full effectiveness) that works with any charged attack. Edit: They still need something to differentiate themselves when they actually are playing Fo/Te, so instead of just 1/2-effectiveness charge PP revival, add an extra 50% more PP regen that doesn't pause during charges. They become the ultimate PP management race.

    Dewmans: Get shorter cooldowns on everything. More Katana Combat, more Showtime, more Chain Trigger, whatever.

    Casts: Immune to poison, always have trap-sense, have passive health regen (NANOMACHINES, SON).

    Beasts (hypothetically): Super-armor; they cannot be flinched unless hit two or more times in quick succession (say, a 0.5s window).

    I have no idea if this would be balanced, but at least every race ends up with a worthwhile perk of their own.
    Last edited by Zyrusticae; Oct 5, 2014 at 07:41 PM.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Zyrusticae View Post
    Humans: Nothing. HUMANS SUCK!

    *ahem* But more seriously, every skill that says 'main-class only' they can use while it's a subclass. Bam, instant versatility.

    Newmans: Can always cast techs. Any tech. No matter what class. (Not much point to using offensive techs without Fo but you can at least use Resta and Anti freely as opposed to chugging mates and atomizers while throwing out the occasional Zondeel or whatever). As a bonus, they always have 1/2-effectiveness charge PP revival (picking it up on the Force tree would just increase it to full effectiveness) that works with any charged attack. Edit: They still need something to differentiate themselves when they actually are playing Fo/Te, so instead of just 1/2-effectiveness charge PP revival, add an extra 50% more PP regen that doesn't pause during charges. They become the ultimate PP management race.

    Dewmans: Get shorter cooldowns on everything. More Katana Combat, more Showtime, more Chain Trigger, whatever.

    Casts: Immune to poison, always have trap-sense, have passive health regen (NANOMACHINES, SON).

    Beasts (hypothetically): Super-armor; they cannot be flinched unless hit two or more times in quick succession (say, a 0.5s window).

    I have no idea if this would be balanced, but at least every race ends up with a worthwhile perk of their own.
    Can we sneak you into SEGA so we can make these changes? Seriously though, best idea I've heard in a while.
    Ship 02 - Ur, Player ID: Niare Sky
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  4. #4
    Curiously attractive for a fish man Zorafim's Avatar
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    Really, wouldn't it make more sense for CASTs to be the ones that don't regenerate? Humans already have miniature things in them that repair damage, while cars don't.

    Anyway, I've always thought that newmans should have lower strength, but greater TP regeneration. It's an easy way to make a quick, skilled playstyle.
    And in the same way, casts should have greater strength, and lower TP regeneration, for the same reason.

  5. #5
    Peanut Emperor Darki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zorafim View Post
    Really, wouldn't it make more sense for CASTs to be the ones that don't regenerate? Humans already have miniature things in them that repair damage, while cars don't.
    Given how CASTs have AIs that seem to be on par or even superior to human sentience, I don't see why wouldn't they also have miniature machines in them that repair damage. In fact to me it seems tenchologically easier to accomplish than AIs.

  6. #6


    I'd like that. Always thought that it is inconsistent compared to PSO.

    We shouldn't have this main class only stuff on skill trees and races should matter. I like the newman suggestion and makes sense, would make possible a magic knight/paladin class.

    Personally, I think Casts should have trap vision by default, but instead it was a Ranger skill and now it's free for Rangers(either as main or sub), but it should be a Cast skill only, like it was in PSO. I also would like the passive slow regen for Casts to make a return. Casts, being sturdy robots can take a beating much better than fleshies so they should have a passive Massive Hunter skill going on too.

    Humans should receive the highest bonuses of all classes. For example: while humans are average, they created everything, meaning they are very skillful, resulting in all of their skills receiving a 5% bonus. I think this should make up for their average stats(and lack of appeal), thus, making them far more desirable.

    For Newmans, higher PP regen, and again Tech quirks(the normal, GI or RA/NA/SA bonuses). Also slightly higher HP and defence stats when going a different class than FO/TE.

    I have no idea how to make Deumans.

    But then, they went the dressing doll route, meaning that choosing your main character for looks has priority because that's how Sega planned to make money. So I think the chance of this system ever getting revised is close to none.

    (ahhh some of my ideas were already covered dang)
    Last edited by Edson Drake; Oct 5, 2014 at 08:18 PM.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthcmc1974 View Post
    Can we sneak you into SEGA so we can make these changes? Seriously though, best idea I've heard in a while.
    Haha, well, thanks for the compliment. I'm really just throwing things out there, since the OP asked.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zorafim View Post
    Really, wouldn't it make more sense for CASTs to be the ones that don't regenerate? Humans already have miniature things in them that repair damage, while cars don't.
    Humans can't regrow bone or repair damaged nerves, and our healing factor works on a scale of days, weeks, months, or even years for particularly bad trauma. Everything a CAST is made out of is synthetic, so they can benefit more from nanomachine repair. It's far more advanced technology than we actually have today.

    More to the point, I was kind of having trouble as to what else to give them.

    I do like the idea of CASTs having greater burst while Newmans have greater sustain. That's another route you can take, I suppose.

  8. #8
    Enforcer of Evil™
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    I also second Zyru's ideas!
    Except maybe dumans and beasts.
    Dumans because I always found using active skills pretty clunky in PSO2, plus, you won't necessarily benefit from it (newmans' PP regen boost and casts' HP regen, for example, are always useful, humans being able to use main only skills as sub is also good, because main only skills tend to be really nifty). Something like a built-in fury combo / tech arts JA bonus maybe? The more they chain JAs, the more they deal damage, but all the time on all classes. Maybe +1% per JA and it could cap at +15%? Keep on the offensive and get those bonuses rolling, you offense-based race you.

    Just super armor for beasts feels lackluster. Super armor is useful, but if two hits kill you, in quick succession, super armor won't always help you. Maybe throw in a passive buff to their defense when their HP gets lower, kind of like FI's slayer skills, but with +%def instead of +atk. Heck, you could even throw in +%atk in there too as the beast gets really angry and instincts take over while low on HP.

    Oh how I wish my caseal had passive HP regen, as a defense HU player, I'd simply never die.
    PSO2 Ship 2 : オゲラウン ("ogeraun"), caseal HU/FI/RA/GU/FO/TE/BR/BO/SU75. Have a good time.
    Also, team leader of exceRPt, the semi-RP team.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Zyrusticae View Post
    Humans: Nothing. HUMANS SUCK!

    *ahem* But more seriously, every skill that says 'main-class only' they can use while it's a subclass. Bam, instant versatility.

    Newmans: Can always cast techs. Any tech. No matter what class. (Not much point to using offensive techs without Fo but you can at least use Resta and Anti freely as opposed to chugging mates and atomizers while throwing out the occasional Zondeel or whatever). As a bonus, they always have 1/2-effectiveness charge PP revival (picking it up on the Force tree would just increase it to full effectiveness) that works with any charged attack. Edit: They still need something to differentiate themselves when they actually are playing Fo/Te, so instead of just 1/2-effectiveness charge PP revival, add an extra 50% more PP regen that doesn't pause during charges. They become the ultimate PP management race.

    Dewmans: Get shorter cooldowns on everything. More Katana Combat, more Showtime, more Chain Trigger, whatever.

    Casts: Immune to poison, always have trap-sense, have passive health regen (NANOMACHINES, SON).

    Beasts (hypothetically): Super-armor; they cannot be flinched unless hit two or more times in quick succession (say, a 0.5s window).

    I have no idea if this would be balanced, but at least every race ends up with a worthwhile perk of their own.
    Thank you! That's the kind of stuff I'm talking about!

    With traits like that, I wouldn't mind differences in base stats, consider them worthy tradeoffs, and every race will have something unique to bring to any class (well ofc you'd need to give humans something, and even give the hypothetical beasts a little more, but it's the overall idea).

    With a lack of racial traits like this, more weight is put on base stats than there should be as well as the question of 'how do you like your ears?', or 'do you like cast parts?'.
    Last edited by Maninbluejumpsuit; Oct 5, 2014 at 08:24 PM.

    Shigure ship 2. Credit to agarwood for the picture!

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Darki View Post
    Given how CASTs have AIs that seem to be on par or even superior to human sentience, I don't see why wouldn't they also have miniature machines in them that repair damage. In fact to me it seems tenchologically easier to accomplish than AIs.
    Cast were once human, like Lisa's case.
    Sizustar Fo/Te 75/75 - Ship-2

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