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  1. #1

    Default Who wants to do some strategic organized C-Mode?

    I have an idea for the team to. You'll have to have skype/whatever we use for voice chat.

    Here's my idea. We'll have 4 groups of 3. Each group will have their captain. We'll also name the groups things like TA or something easy to say. Each member will have a code name; they'll put that on their online status. (purely for things like "P1 droping Zanba") So players can find you. Group members won't need mics though. Group Captains will require mics tho. They'll be the main ones talking. Then have someone who makes all the calls of where each squad goes after they figure out their gear and talk it over with the group captains.

    There is still more to add to the idea though. This is just a rough explanation of it.

    Who'd be interested? Add me on skype(Lostbob117) if you're interested. I'll make a group there.

  2. #2


    all JP pub > all english organized
    why wasted time?

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by schnee4 View Post
    all JP pub > all english organized
    why wasted time?
    I guess you can ask yourself that with your post.

  4. #4


    i'd be interested depending on what day/time you had in mind. i'm ship 2, but i assume that doesn't really matter since we always have the shared ship if everyone isn't from the same ship.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by schnee4 View Post
    all JP pub > all english organized
    why wasted time?
    Some English organized runs have completed all 10 missions. With pretty much no JP pugs being able to do that, what you said is clearly false.
    If you feel that you aren't competent enough to compete with JP pugs, then just speak for yourself. No need to lump then rest of us with you.

    Anyways, the one problem I see with the previous thread is that all we are doing is organizing a PUG. The people that join are still random people but of those that visit pso-w. There was no test for competence or anything. No roles were being assigned. Everyone just picked their favorite weapon and we went with it. Pretty much what PUGs do. This thread looks like its on track for doing the same thing but with voice chat.

    Anyways, if we want to do this, we should build for it. If we do, we have a good chance at getting past JP PUGs. If you look into the general challenge thread, you see people that have experience clearing it like Z-0 providing much information on it. The most helpful thing I found that he provided was in the second spoilers of this post. A detailed strategy. While the picture is dated and not complete, if we do something like it, I'd expect that it would improve our chances. Also, him and others have provided much information on M9 and M10 after that post. Enough for us to complete the rest of this chart. A few changes have been made too and we have all that information. And it isn't like we need to keep using the chart after we get all the roles down. From what I am seeing, if we know what to do, communication becomes a small part of CM as it all happens before we start the run. If we ask nicely and with all the help he has provided PSO-W with, I feel that there is a good chance he would provide us his current chart if he still uses it.

    With all this said, this is a lot more work compared to simply joining a PUG. JP PUGs can consistently get to M7-M9. But consistently doesn't mean guaranteed M7-M9. 1-2 players goofing off can easily change it to a M5 run. However if we do this, we would be aiming to consistently clear and at least guarantee getting to M10. Of course, finding 12 people willing to do this would probably be the hard part. PUGs have started reaching M10 but not consistently. And I do think M10 is a big roadblock for PUGs, especially with the amount of VR we make it into M10 with. In the end, we don't know if it will pay off. JP PUGs may very well start consistently clearing CM in the near future. I believe what is happening in JP PUGs is them organizing themselves subconsciously during the run. They learn the roles with the information they accumulated and voluntarily fill in the vacancies as they go. The more roles they know, the more efficient the PUGs become. Obviously, this isn't as optimal as organizing everything beforehand which is the only advantage we have for doing an organized run.

    I wouldn't mind joining if we are actually going to organize a group, but if we are just going to repeat what the last group did, we might as well join PUGs. Too be fair, the previous thread have no information available going into the runs. We had an excuse for such disorganization back then. This is no longer the case.

    Finding 12 people does not equal organization.
    Setting up a Skype chat does not equal organization.

  6. #6


    Anyways, the one problem I see with the previous thread is that all we are doing is organizing a PUG. The people that join are still random people but of those that visit pso-w. There was no test for competence or anything. No roles were being assigned. Everyone just picked their favorite weapon and we went with it. Pretty much what PUGs do. This thread looks like its on track for doing the same thing but with voice chat.
    to be fair, there is merit to running repeatedly with the same group, because then you will get acclimated to each other's play styles, and suggestions can be made by the better players to improve the quality of the rest of the mp.

    if the op was going for a single run, you'd be spot on, but assuming the op wants to keep running with the group he builds, this would be better than a purely random mp. especially when you figure that if someone really does suck and keeps dying and refuses to buy challenge dolls, they can just be booted from the group and replaced.

    also, where are you running that mp's can consistently get to m7-9? on the shared ships, i find that most mp's consistently fail in m4 or m5, and reaching m7 is the exception on not the rule. (even when i'm buying a shit ton of challenge dolls and dropping them at interval areas to attempt to stop the party from failing)

  7. #7


    All good PUGs are generally locked now, because all the bad players have started invading the やりこみ blocks. You'll need to know their password to play, which you can find if you look around in the right places.

    Also getting "used to each others' playstyles" is not a viable strategy for C-Mode clears. C-Mode is not about your playstyle, it's about efficiency if you want to clear.

  8. #8
    Serpent of Flame Keilyn's Avatar
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    Another thing that should be done...

    Look at your Damage Numbers. If you find that you are not getting any numbers, then it means you are not hitting anything and its the same as you not existing.

    I am open to whatever organized tactical runs exist in this on the Western Community.
    PSO-2 Info: Ship: 2; ID: セツナヤキ; MCN: ケイリン
    "If you want a bridge between past, present, and future, search for the void and awaken it!"

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by schnee4 View Post
    all JP pub > all english organized
    why wasted time?
    Sometimes I wonder why you even post.

  10. #10


    I'm down for whatever if it means M10s. Pm for player name if this will be a thing.

    Shigure ship 2. Credit to agarwood for the picture!

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