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  1. #1

    Default Ranged/Tech Hybrid Idea

    We've already got Braver, and Bouncer. So it stands to reason we should be due in for a ranged and tech hybrid class soon. I have an idea in mind called Phomancer.

    I got this idea from thinking about the 10* Aura piece Nega Photon. If they can harness the photon to make an armour, why not use it to power a class? Imagine your main hand weapon being a pistol of some kind. Like a light handed revolver, to a powerful magnum. This class, when killing enemies would absorb their negative photons, and store it all into the weapons gear. This gear, for the gun would come with 12 levels. Think of it as one level for each bullet. Basically giving you a full clip of negative photon bullets to charge. This would make the pistol shoot with the intensity of a mini cannon, and can be fired semi rapidly, as all handguns can be.

    I am imagining that if someone wanted to be on the tech side of the tree, they could some how use this photon to power up their spells by a certain amount, and I mean all spells. not just one variety like we are used to seeing. Maybe the boost to these would be smaller as spells are typically more powerful, and powering them all up by say 40% would be a bit over kill.

    On the other hand I think it would be cool if someone who chose to go full ranged had an option for a little bit of self buffing. So they could have a skill that instead of having them use the photon like shots, they absorb it into their bodies for a brief window of defence boost, and healing. I think this would add a whole bunch of depth to the class as it would make you have to decide when you want to attack or support yourself.

    And of course PAs would be effected by this photon too, but would probably take more than one level to use with a PA. Say 3 levels of charge instead of just one.

    My friend ran by me the idea of absorbing photon with damage, because if it was based on kills then it would pose an issue for bosses, and I agree it's a great idea.

    So what do you think guys? Cool or no? Personally I'd love the hell out of it.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Cortte View Post
    So what do you think guys? Cool or no?

    Braver are samurai.
    Bouncer are ninja.

    Stands to reason the R/T class is going to follow that pattern. Your idea comes off as a typical uncreative attempt at making an edgy special snowflake class that flies in the face of the setting's premise and programming precedents anyway. Gear that isn't three stocks? The ability to modify PAs and techs of other classes to have effects that they otherwise would never have (this is unprecedented and particularly egregious as something a class should never do)? Yuck.

    These threads never seem to have plausible ideas, don't see why each one always tries to make the class as special and unique as possible.

  3. #3


    Sega don't visit this forum, so any idea would be better off sent to Sega's opinion form, or wait for the next survey
    Sizustar Fo/Te 75/75 - Ship-2

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  4. #4


    i'm sure that range/tech class will be next
    because br = strike/range, bo = strke/tech
    so it's just logical

    it's nice if they made an dual pistol will magic bullet class, it ll be awesome

  5. #5


    Obviously the next class to come is the SOLDIER class gunslash. ability to imbue technics to PA for a dual attack based upon gunslash gauge. The switching weapons action now is a dodge as well.
    can use obstacles, mobs, other players to enhance mobility like running up walls or using them as stepping stones.
    Can buff saner that increases movement speed, casting, attack speeds...Also can debuff rimpa that puts enemies to sleep
    sleep status immobilizes mob and leave them unable to act. Take 200% damage.
    Damage will awaken target.

  6. #6


    GunTecher like in PSU gib me dem crossbows.
    Check out my channel:XbikXBd
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  7. #7
    Space Hobobo Bo Bobo yoshiblue's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LonelyGaruga View Post

    These threads never seem to have plausible ideas, don't see why each one always tries to make the class as special and unique as possible.
    Because its a forum and that's a part of what forums are for, regardless of how good or bad a thread is.

    I can imagine a T/R class being some kind of monk either reusing talis or borrowing the multi tag throwing shindigs. Would be great if it was a mounted class though. Mounted rifle men, with yari! Just because.

    A hopeful dream because it sounds like too much work. The idea would be that the horse and the gun would be one set. You equip a gun, you get a matching horse or whatever creature it gives you. On the field, the horse attacks would be on your LMB and your rifle on the RMB. The horse would be pumping out all your magic damage and would work like bouncer's PAs and the rifle your ranged damage, where you would hold shift like normal. I'd imagine you'ed lose the option to dodge so i'd figure armor upgrades like a combined flash/tech guard would be available. Along with speed and trample damage.
    Last edited by yoshiblue; Apr 19, 2015 at 02:17 AM.

  8. #8


    Why are people so quick to turn down Ranger/Force hybrid? It is obvious it could be the next choice with the next Episode as Braver and Bouncer are both hybrid classes as well, and it would be the final hybrid class among them.

    For now, it's best to leave the naming of the class to SEGA. Bouncer and Braver are both named after a special type of skill the classes have (Jet Boots Double Jump and Brave Stance respectively). Makes no sense trying to guess the name of a class. But we can still hope by making educated guesses as to what it may entail. For simplicity, I'm going to refer to the RA/FO class as "Drover" (which is a synonym for "Cowboy"). That's just so you know what I'm talking about when I say it.

    Edit: To be honest, though, OP...I stopped reading after "Phomancer"...ugh, that name. lol


    As for what weapons they would use, they could do the following:

    R-ATK/T-ATK (New All Class Weapon like the Gunslash)
    - Slicers: Mid-to-close range. It would have both PAs and the ability to have Technics on its weapon palette as well. It can only use Technics on the Subpalette if you are Force/Techer/Bouncer/Drover. It can hit up to 3 enemies at once for full damage, but after that, the 4th and 5th enemies hit (max of 5) would both have less damage dealt to them by a considerable amount (4th) and large amount (5th). Damage technically depreciates with each enemy hit, but it is not as noticeable until later levels. PAs would be limited as the weapon can use all techs (however the techs are limited to the 3-4 possible areas you can place them on the Weapon Palette if you're not a Tech-specialization class as aforementioned).

    S-ATK/R-ATK (All Class)
    - Gunslashes: Duh. Already implemented.

    R-ATK (Drover Only)
    - Shotguns (or Shots): The same functionality it served in PSO1. Can hit up to five enemies at once in a spray of bullets and can only use PAs on its weapon palette. Far different from the Launcher because the Launcher is not mid-to-close range like the Shot would be, unless we're talking about a few of the Launcher's PAs, of course (like Cluster Bullet).

    R-ATK (Drover Only) <- This is if they don't ever implement Shotguns.
    - Dual Handguns (or Dual Pistols): Mid-to-close range weapons that are like pistols. The main drawback to them is that they lack the range of Assault Rifles and damage of Launchers, but the good part about them is that they are faster than Launchers and deal more knockback than Assault Rifles do. They are very great to combo with, and it is best to use with a Ranger as your main/sub class to get the most out of them because of Weak Bullet. Can use Technics with them to imbue the bullets of the gun within that particular offensive technic's element for a limited time and get up-close and personal to finish the job with its Photon Arts as well. The drawback to the close-range PAs that are more powerful is that they knock you back a bit and leave you open to enemy attacks for a brief period (not face-planted into the ground, obviously).

    T-ATK (Drover Only)
    - Sabers: Sounds weird, let me explain: Sabers were always single-target weapons but they were not much different than Canes in Phantasy Star Online. Since we already have Canes, which are essentially the Wands in this game, it makes sense for Sabers to return in some form. In the classic games prior to PSO1, the Saber was a weapon used mostly by characters in your party that also could use Technics (like Alis Landale from Phantasy Star I). You may ask: "well, how does that fit in with the Drover?" The fact of the matter is that you can't just expect the class to only be at a range all the time, and it still needs a weapon for Techniques as well. The Saber would be a perfect fit for it, and it would still make sense T-ATK-wise. While it would be faster than a Wand, it would have less T-ATK, thus balancing it out. It would also have no PAs like all other pure T-ATK weapons.


    So, there you have my two cents. Three new weapons, two for Drover-only, and one new all-class weapon is my bet for what it is to come in Episode 4.
    Last edited by Korazenn; Apr 19, 2015 at 03:02 AM.

  9. #9


    Isn't Buster a ranged and tech hybrid already? They already have the weapons and the class... why expect they'll do anything new?

  10. #10
    Sinless Bromeliad Renvalt's Avatar
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    Because the class seems to have been built with PS-Nova's Gigantes MonHan cheapness in mind.

    Right now, they're too busy making TRUE raid levels of existing areas that are just reskins/remodels of existing enemy skeletons, too busy making pretty costumes since Sakai STILL doesn't know what he wants his waifu to wear before he bones her in what he presumes will be the most "epic" hentai scene evar desu. Too busy with his Shingeki boss to realize that Harukotan STILL doesn't have its second area, and Episode 3 has only had 2 TRUE new areas since its release.

    In all seriousness, though, I have no idea why. Perhaps maybe the class is just using a glorified launcher? Haven't seen what the halos are capable of though, but I'm pretty sure that all they do is make pretty platforms so you can fight a bigass mecha dino that really belongs alongside the crap that is Laoshan and his endless dragon hordes.

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