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  1. #21

    Default Re: And you thought blue slime dudes were useless...

    Do you have to be on Hard or V Hard mode for this to work? I'm still on Normal.

  2. #22

    Default Re: And you thought blue slime dudes were useless...

    How can you say that Forces are weak and not be lying? Physically, yes, they ware weakER than the other two classes. And that makes them (in my eyes neway) more challenging to play because you can't just go toe-2-toe with a group of enemies like a Hunter can (thereby inherently making the Force class harder to level up). But what they lack in physical prowess, they make up for in other arenas of PSO play...! My lvl 100 Force kicks serious a$$!

  3. #23

    Default Re: And you thought blue slime dudes were useless...

    seems like everytime i've seen one of the rare creatures i have been on normal

  4. #24

    Default Re: And you thought blue slime dudes were useless...

    Actually, they can also be devided by hitting them on the third attack of a combo. It's not easy to do but I figured out a trick. If you take an unidentified weapon you can attack slimes with a special attack. Two things may happen when you do this. One scenario, it will hit. However, the slime will not receed allowing you to hit it again and again thereby splitting it on the third hit. The other possibility is that you will miss. Simply miss twice with a special then hit it with normal or hard attack to split it. I found that when this happens the slime will most often not receed allowing you to reapeat the process. If you don't have an unidentified weapon to use, the only other alternative is to stand far enough away so that when executing a three hit combo only the third attack hits. Rangers will have to anticipate when and where the slime will come up and shoot twice before the target appears. That way, only the third attack of the combo hits.

  5. #25

    Default Re: And you thought blue slime dudes were useless...

    Great tip! Thanks a ton. I tried it out and it works like a charm.

  6. #26

    Default Re: And you thought blue slime dudes were useless...

    Wouldn't this be considered cheating? Your talking advantage of an exploit in the game.
    (This stems from a conversation in #PSO were someone said that DUPing with out a GS or email/extra mem cards was cheating even tho it was taking advantage of a exploit in the game)

  7. #27

    Default Re: And you thought blue slime dudes were useless...

    did any blufulls do this? im level 100 and i cant do it. does it have to be done in a specific order? i only slip them up to 4 times, but they r still blue. i have tried it on every difficulty.

  8. #28

    Default Re: And you thought blue slime dudes were useless...

    Are you on crack? How could anyone remotely call this cheating. E-mail dupings were not the fault of a flaw in the game, they were the fault of a flaw in the DC Internet Browser. Even then, this isn't even a flaw at all. It's not like you can create some infanite supply of Slimes. For each slime you normally encounter, you can split him into four slimes (so if you begin with two you can get up to eight). The fact that slimes split at all is something well intented by the programmers. All this "trick" comes down to is an effective way to maximize the number of slimes you fight in each encounter.
    You must be on some sort of witch hunt to even come up with the idea that this is cheating.

  9. #29

    Default Re: And you thought blue slime dudes were useless...

    Sorry... I'm a Skyly HUmar at lvl. 100 and it's the same with me... I tried to spit them with every barta teq, the three hit combo and ice weapons... No way for splitting them more than 4 times. I hope somebody can help us. Please...

  10. #30

    Default Re: And you thought blue slime dudes were useless...

    RedVento is a moron. It is impossible to split the Pofuilly Slimes more than 4 times. EVERYONE knows that.

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