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  1. #1

    Default Article: PSO Ver. 2 not coming to USA until September 25th!

    Locarno writes, "About 10 minutes ago, I recieved an email from sega tech. support asking when PSO is coming out; September 11th or 25th. Here's what they said: "Yes the official new tentative release date for Phantasy Star Online V. 2.0 is now 9-25-01." Well, the good news is that it's still coming and that you can still level up to 100 if your not. Bad news, obviously, is that the people who have been patiently waiting (I'm one of them) for the official USA PSO Ver. 2 will have to wait 14 days longer . Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I wanted to get the real answer."
    Apparently, its confirmed... if we had some more sources that would be great too, just add them under comments please. ^_^

  2. #2

    Default "...the official new tentative release date..."

    Not only do they change the date on us again, but it's still a tentative date, which means they could delay it again.... I’m so mad I could take my DC outside and smash it with a hammer until it's in little tiny pieces (well, maybe not, but you get the idea)!
    Honestly, what are they doing that could be taking so long? What is keeping them from finishing it and giving us an official release that WON'T change? It's already in English, the servers are already compatible, they've had 2-3 months to work on bug fixes and such already, the pricing plan is set up, and it's almost certain they aren't adding the new classes. EGM even said they've been told the US version is playable, but ST wouldn't release the review copies.
    Even on the message boards here there are a few people bashing v1 people for no good reason other than to shove the fact they have v2 in our faces.
    Come on ST; shed some light on this recent delay, at least to let us know why it has been delayed, so we know why we have to keep suffering.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Sega can go straight to hell!!

    I wouldn't piss up sega ass if their guts was on fire!! What the hell are they thinking? Jesus h. christ i need to pay the other games on my other systems. By the time we get started playing it will be tiem to get an xbox or gamecube, along wiht my alreadt superb ps2! Silent lhills coming soon along with a host of others. There are alot of sega loyalists who are tired of being pissed on. FUCK SEGA!!!!!!

  4. #4

    Default Re: PSO Ver. 2 not coming to USA till September 25th!

    I think that SEGA is hiding something for USA players, and the pay to play thingy was just a decoy to have some excuse to delay the game more why? I don't know but maybe it has something to do with the cheater's problem, maybe they still can't deal with the cheater's yet so they need more time, with all of those recent server maintenances and SEGA finding new ways to stop cheater's in japanese version 2, maybe they are just improving the anti cheating system for US v.2, but all is in expenses of our patience, Come on SEGA please give us an answer why are you delaying the game over and over again? don't make us loose our patience, you already lost buyers with your pay to play thing, don't loose more money making us angry!!!!.

  5. #5

    Default You seem to have misunderstood me...

    As long as Sega has a damn good excuse for this delay, I'll support the decision. The only reason I'd except for another delay would be the anti-cheat measures. It would be nice to not only get rid of the jerks online(which the server maintainence has done) but to stop item mod and dupping too. The thing is though, they've had plenty of time since the first delay. Whatever it is they're delaying it for is being kept secret. Sega hasn't shipped out review copies for the US release yet. Who knows what they could be adding, but I'll say again it'd better be very, very good. If it turns out to be something lame like a plain old shipping delay, then I'll be pretty mad.
    And by the looks of what you're saying, you're just gonna drop v2 as soon as games start coming out for PS2 and whatever other system you plan to buy. If you're gonna do this, why even buy V2? By the time you're 1-2 months into your first block of online time, you'll be stopping to play other games anyway.

  6. #6

    Default Re: PSO Ver. 2 not coming to USA till September 25th!

    Who cares anymore. I decided not to buy version 2 for DC after the first delay...after which I canceled my pre-order and bought Max Payne(well worth your money btw). Wait for the cube version instead of blowing your money on the DC version...and if your that hardcore u'd have the import already.

  7. #7

    Default Well, actually...

    I believe the whole "delay" thing has something to do with either one or two things. Or both. One of them being the anti-cheating measures, and the other is that perhaps they want v2 to be released just awhile before the GCN version, so it'll still be fresh in people's minds. Personally, I think that the former of the two is the more feisible, and I really feel that the latter is total complete and udder bullshit.
    And the way it looks, the GCN version of v2 is more like v3, due to the new characters and new weapons, items, armors, and such that are going to be added to it. It'll be interesting to see if it's still called Phantasy Star Online ver.2 when it comes out on the 'Cube.

  8. #8

    Default dude this game is not worth the wait

    i'm not gonna bash v1 players but,the version 2's a cheap rehash of version 1 with nearly nothing to offer...battle mode is laggy and stupid..challenge at around c5 gets stupid being you have to keep your stupid friends alive at the expense of your hp...and lobby soccer was cool for about 20 seconds...I imported it a few months back and after setting up the account and everything,three days later i had the most boring time with a level 89 hucast that could only be improved by i started another character...three days later i had a level 91 RAmar that found a weapon with %'s that were just sick(0,50,0,50) and ultimate was soooo easy with this i mean i killed cave monsters in one hit and ruins monsters in three...just wait for the sequel and when the next installment of pso comes along...totally new i hope,make your descision fast if you want to import it or not,because well,you know sega"oh it's for sure coming out jult 10,no the 11, no august 8 no 14 no september 11 no 25...uhhh december 1 no wait wait july 10 of next year..."

  9. #9

    Default V.2............

    It's a waste of time.....period

  10. #10

    Default Re: V.2............

    If you are already bored of version 1. Version 2 won't hold your interest that long. Or so people say... I was bored of version 1, but play version 2 a lot! ^_^;;

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