The third (and in a sense final) preview has been posted for this summer's supplemental update on Xbox 360! At the English PSU homepage, you can see details on many of the incoming interface changes coming to the game including a wide range of new chat commands. Here's a summary of what is mentioned in this preview:
  • New items - This summer there will be many new weapons introduced, some of which were previously featured in Phantasy Star Portable.
  • Online status - Instead of having to select from predefined messages, players can now choose their own! Not only will this appear above your name, but it will also show up on partner cards given to other players.
  • Chat commands - It will soon be possible to switch weapons and armor using shortcuts. Using this, a player could essentially put a palette on the left side of their controller too. Additionally, there are some interesting new functions for use in Your Room as well as expansions of previously available features.
  • Your Room - New options are available such as easily storing multiple stacks of items, a common box size increase, and even the ability to directly use the storage of other characters on the same account by heading to the appropriate room.
  • Item lock - This new feature allows you to put a safeguard on many of your most valued items. A light blue name will indicate that you won't inadvertently sell, trade, or drop an item.

This may be the last of the preview notes, but there are more details still to come. As announced prior, Sega will be providing a list of changes for the incoming Title Update. Additionally, be on the lookout for the proper content update page which will note the initial availability of new missions, etc.
A thread has already been created to discuss the news here.