I know it will be temporary, but nevertheless I'm back to it. I originally had ver.1 on the Dreamcast; played it, got burned out after about 8 months or so. For those unfamiliar with the DC version, you could only level out to 100, robots did not have traps and every technique using class could use every tech up to 15. The Gamecube version did a better job of separating the classes and adding 1 other sub-class to each class, I really love this game, I have not played another game quiet like PSO since the 16 years it's been out. The one thing I miss about the DC version is the ability to walk through locked doors. Anybody else remember this trick? It was easiest to do with a double saber type weapon and I believe you had to be a male. What you were trying to do is angel yourself so that your back was to the door, but caught in the corner (if that makes sense). You would do your 3 hit combo and the player would step backwards, you'd repeat about 2 or 3 times and vwallah, on the other side. Such fun!

On the Gamecube version I became an obsessive mag farmer. At any given time I had 4-5 mags that I was raising, I would stop frequently to feed them and run to the shop for more food, I'm sure it annoyed everybody. My crowning achievement was making a mag with something like 195def, it took maybe 3-4 months. My rarest find was probably Rico's Earrings, had a few S-level weapons I earned thanks to my Japanese friends. My favorite weapon was a Hell Lazer with 45% hit and nice % against Machine and Dark. Early on in my playing days I found a Dragon Slayer with 70% against native, this was before I realized I could Tekker it for higher %, so 'm not ever sure if I got the max% from it. Unfortunately FSOD claimed that one. I used to pipe for a lot of stuff as well and would spend hours doing it. Before I retired, my main characters on the memory card got corrupted. I was already burned out, so it did not matter too much, but deep down inside I knew I would return someday.

About 4 years ago I started playing again, I started all over with a Racast and Fomar. Found some pretty cool stuff including an Adv. Reg Gear. My aim with the Fomar was to use him as sort of a fighting class, rather than a Force. I got burnt out after a couple months. Last week I was digging around to hook up the Wii to play again and I accidentally stumbled upon a memory card that I forgot about or thought was lost. It had a character I started (level 56) a long time ago and it other characters on it that were level 1. The level 56 and one particular level 1 character had a lot of duped rares as well as legit partially started mags.

I doubt any of my old friends are out there reading this,13 years ago is a long time, but I enjoyed my time hunting with you guys, your pal Threepio, Olga Elenor, Nell still thinks about you.