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  1. #1


    Can someone tell me the story line in the bottom of the heart (or wahteer its called now) when they beat it?
    I cant go online, and probably will never be able to. So can someone tells me what happens?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Tally, Florida


    I was planning on posting a seperate topic about the entire story line of SotH for users who don't have online but this'll do fine...

    Note: I played the quest on normal since I heard it was somewhat difficult and I wanted to make sure to see the end. I don't think there's any difference about the quests in any difficulty except the monsters.

    Not many people played the quest, but those that did, the ones I talked to didn't like it that much. But I thought it was SONIC team's best quest yet!

    So it begins:
    You begin your quest in front of Elly who tells you that she would like to hire to take the VR test with a girl. You venture to the lab for your briefing, you find that you will be competing with many more hunters and whoever reaches the end of the test first passes, the objective: To defeat the Gol Dragon!

    Before you enter the teleporter Elly tells you that it was her she wanted you to go with. Than you bith step in the teleporter and begin your mission in Temple!

    Note: Elly is only lvl 20 in Normal, she's is much weaker than you will probably be in any difficulty, she can't take to much damage and if she dies its all over. Luckily, she has about the most EVP and DFP than I think would ever be possible for any real PSO player to get!

    It's just like regular Temple with the same monsters and such, but whats who's that strange looking FOmar that just appeared out of nowhere... anywayz, the great thing about SotH is the superbly choriographed cut-scenes. Throughout your play Elly will inform you about different events. But frequently a cut-scene will appear showing you different hunter teams(you are competing against) get into brawls with the other teams and eliminating them from the test. Eventually you come across a cut-scene where one of the teams encounter the strange FOmar from before, they scold him a bit but all of a sudden encounter some sort of massive attack released by the mysterious Force! You see the hunters fall over and than disentegrate into small red sparkles... The Lab than tells you that they were killed and energy levels through out the VR field are critical, the test continues but they say to stay on your guard!

    You continue to see more cut-scenes of hunters being struck down and die'ing, you have to avoid the traps so you don't see the same demise as they do. Periodaclly Elly will ramble on about "seeing him..." You'll encounter the FOmar yourself several times along your way but he won't do anything drastic...

    Next stop: Spaceship!
    You enter spaceship to find a mess comparable only to Hiroshima(**ahem** "I mean no offense to any eastern'ers what-so-ever when I say this.") Make your way through the rubbage till you encounter 2 hunters, one of them holds Elly hostage while the other trys to force you to give him your ID so he can complete the test(you need 3 to go onto the Gol Dragon) You get a few conversational options, I chose all positive so I'm not sure what would happen if you chose completely negative choices though I'm sure everything would end up the same. The hunter takes Elly away while your forced to fight the other one, he was actually quite easy since I killed with one attack! ^-^ Now you have to go after Elly and teach that hunter not to mess with little girls! But sadly, the FOmar gets to him first and blasts him to a galaxy far, far, away(excuse the pun). You find Elly on the ground but you revive her, before you can make your way to the next teleporter that FOmar appears again! This time you find out that he's non other than... CAL! I'm sure your thinking "..." right now. so was I. Him and Elly chat a bit than you its time to get to that Gol Dragon! The Gol Dragon is the same as always, Elly will attack when she can, if she gets hurt, get far enough away from the Dragon to un-target him and Elly will automatically heal herself. After you beat the Dragon, your greeted with another cut-scene:

    It can't be!:
    What's this?!? 2 CAL's? One seems bad and the other seems pretty nice but Elly's all confuzzled about who's who... eventually one of the CAL's starts the destruction of the entire VR field! The other CAL thankfully gets you out of there in the nick of time!

    Back home:
    You appear back in Pioneer 2 with CAL no where in site, you learn that he's inside Elly's navigational system. He tells her to go to Gal Da Val island and says some more stuff about holding "them" back.

    Return to Ragol!:
    You start out at the CCA, the road here is typical until you get to the last stretch before the CCT(Central Control Tower). The CAL's appear again and go through a long chat about being created and destroyed etc. The door becomes locked and the switch is far down on a ledge that previously wasn't in this level. Your given a choice to "Think" or... "Jump" Jump is the option to choose, you run to the ledge and jump off! After you get done fighting a helluva lot of monsters, hit the switch and head back to the warp. Now go through the previously locked gate, and head for the next teleporter that will take you to the CCT! The CCT is consisted of several floors each containing more and more switches as you progress up each floor, you have to activate the correct switch to open the gate, if you activate a decoy, the alarm will sound and a mini-boss will appear! Sometimes with some Recoboxes and Del-Lily's(which are pretty darn intimidating!) On the top floor you see a strange ceiling and floor that looking like a hole. The evil CAL will tell the Ill Gills to attack!

    Is it the Grim Reaper?:
    The Ill Gill's are pretty cool looking, but that feeling of coolness quickly diminishes when you see 3 of em coming at you and find out that they can hurt yah pretty bad! The only attacks I saw them use was a form of Zonde, a charge attack that knockes you down, and a regular swing of there scythe's. After you defeat them you've finally completed the quest and are greeted with a very romantic cut-scene.

    Love is in the air:
    Elly and CAL exchange emotional comments, eventually CAL changes into a glowing light and floats up into the hole in the cieling(he called it the "Vortex of Life" which was created by "MOTHER" Yah, I know its wierd!) Elly thanks you and than your all of a sudden enter the warp loading screen...

    Beautiful setting:
    You appear in Seaside at night, much like the Nights Seaside quest except not so dark... your inland so you have to make your way to the beach, once you get to the beach search around till you see Elly wading in the water. Run up to her and your greeted by great cut-scene with kawaii music and romantic dialogue(I know I'm all mushy, but I speak the truth!) Elly will talk about how she misses "him"(referring to CAL here). Than she says thanks again and a pipe appears and she slowly walks off back inland. You have 2 choices here, go in the pipe and end it now or...

    The somewhat secret ending:
    You can decide to follow Elly, she walks back inland where another teleport is, she stops by the teleporter. Talk to her and she will tell you she's to sad to leave now...

    Yet another cut-scene, except this time it shows you and Elly standing on the beach, and than you both run off into the water! After that it zooms out to show a pan-o-ramic view of the island and a message appears saying:

    "Congratulations! Thanks for playing. - The SONIC Team, Seat of the Hear Staff!"

    I think this quest was an awesome representation of hard work and the wanting to please the PSO community! Enjoy! /~,^

  3. #3


    thank you!!!! now i wont go to my grave unhappy. Sounds like a great quest, hope you online players have a great time!!!
    but... can you tell me whos cal? is he a computer progrm or what?

  4. #4


    cal (calus,) an scientist then a computer
    u meet him in 'knowing one's heart' w/elly in ep1

    Blink & you might miss it! ;3

    Oh, keep sig at 600x180 px & 49KB, yah?

  5. #5


    Calus was a scientist who died at a young age, according to someone in the Knowing One's Heart quest. That's only one route you can take through the quest though. If you got the full ending for Soul of Steel, you can get Kireek to come with you into the Central Control Tower rather than Elly.

    Also, is it just me, or are the two CALs a lot like the twin brothers in The Matrix Reloaded? Long white hair, pale skin, albino, white clothing, disappear a lot...

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