I think he's referring to this block of text of the same link:

一部のプレイ記録に影響のある重大な不具合により、多大なご迷惑をお掛けしましたことを心からお詫び申し上 げます。

プレイデータについては慎重を期してきましたが、このような不具合が起こってしまい、本当に申し訳ありませ ん。

EP5実装以降の問題により、多くの信頼を失ってしまった状態ではありますが、引き続き対応を進め、去って しまった方に戻っていただけるよう対応を進めてまいります。

そして、明日は「PSO2 アークスライブ!」の放送となります。
which roughly transaltes to this using google translate:

■ Some titles may not be acquired even if the conditions are met http://pso2.jp/players/support/measu...ures_20171004/

I sincerely apologize for causing serious inconvenience caused by a serious problem affecting some play records.
We are currently conducting investigations for details and will be announcing soon.
In addition, we will distribute some kind of apology for those who are subject to this problem.

I have been cautious about play data, but this kind of trouble happened, I am truly sorry.
We will strive to prevent future recurrence.

Although it has lost a lot of trust because of problems after the implementation of EP 5, we will continue to respond and continue to respond so that we can return to those who left.

And tomorrow will be the broadcast of "PSO 2 Arcs Live!"
not sure if its about player drop, but I think just the trust of the players are gone because of EP5