While I dont like the EQ itself, I appreciate that the spawns are fixed and not RNG like on christmas. This makes filling the CF less tedious.

As for casual content, while I do agree this is basically filler, I think the alternative would be worse. The hardcore stuff they add tends to be very small upgrades, (like 1-3% more dps than current BIS stuff, after serious affixing and SSA) all behind RNG. Rarely they add Qol upgrades. If they did this constantly, people would be burned and would lose motivation knowing that in 1 or 2 months, something better and maybe easier to get will get released.

Even as it is, I already feel like this. I stopped hunting for RNG drops after they introduced the Nemesis/Slaves NT years ago, because then they started releasing welfare stuff like Atra 14* a few months later. They announced Austere NT, along with Atra EX and Lightstream, but turns out the Austere was much more harder to get due to RNG, and also the weakest of the 3 by far(I remember a few complains here about this back then). We just had a liberate unlocker campaign and knowing their welfare record, I say is very likely we will get another freebie before mid year.

What I am saying is that they need filler content for pacing purposes, as opposed to having a constant race for the best gear which will burn people. Besides, these filler contents do have their use. You can stock yourself in fodders and resell later for good profit, or even use them for future gear. I do agree that stuff like Cronos or 15* from old seasonals should be made more common in older content, but in their defense, they kinda tried something by putting them in the crests exchange. I guess it would be better if they at least allowed you to farm for the last crest. Maybe put them behind UH solo triggers, or Ultimate quests clears.