I'm new, first post, let's see how this goes shall we? For now I'm using only my characters, if they resemble other chars in any way shape or form, it is purely coincednce, thank you.

The hunter stood in the ruins, his back to the wall, panting from running so hard. He checked his pistol, having lost his other weapons in a fall, and found it nearly drained. He swore, hoping that the next room would hold a way out, or perhaps a telepipe. With his mental energies so low, he couldn't even cast Ryuker, and couldn't very well climb back up the way he'd come.

"Well," he said to his mag, "Looks like this is where things get interesting." it simply squeeked at him, hovering a few inches from his face.

"Heh, I know I could get killed in there, so keep out of trouble if I do. If I hear that you've done something like blasting another Hunter, I'll have to come and berate you." he smiled.

The mag squeeked again, seeming unhappy.

"Oh don't worry, the most that will happen to you is a few scratches. Now then, you ready," it bobbed up and down, "Good, here we go!" and he whipped around the corner, pistol ready to fire.

There was silence as he looked around the empty room. It was large, larger than any he had seen so far in this place. There was a large pillar in the middle, more long than wide, and two doors leading off to the sides.

"Or it could be empty," he frowned, "But at this point I could care less. Let's see if we can find anything to help." and he went to check the left door.

Behind the door he found a few boxes, with nothing of real interest to him, though he found a saber in one, and that cheered him up a bit.

"At least with this I can fend things off better," he said, swinging it experimentally, "And it seems like a fine weapon."

The mag agreed, then became iritated by something.

"Hmm," the hunter said, readying the saber. Things appeared in the back of the room, and started after him, "Oh great," and he backed out of the room, "Let's pray the other rooms is more promising, I'm in no shape for a long fight." and he made a dead run around the pillar.

The other room held a strange device, broken beyond recongnition. In the mess he noticed a small crystal, looking like one that would power a photon weapon.

"Here's to hoping this thing still works." he ejected the near dead crystal from his pistol, thrusting the "new" one in and readying it to fire as the things came into view. One came around the corner and he pulled the triger, not expecting what happened next. The gun fired a huge blast, and when the energy passed, the thing was gone, the door erased, and a huge hole punched in the pillar. The pistol barrrel was melting, the rest of it was hot to the touch.

"Good thing I have insulated gloves." the hunter said as the pistol melted away. He removed the crystal before the clip area could fuse shut, sticking it in a pocket and dropping the remains of the gun. He stepped out of the room, finding the other monster gone. It was then he saw the fourth door exiting the room to his right and started toward it.

"I'm getting a bad feeling, how about you?" the mag remained silent.

The door opened before them, and they walked down a long hall to another, larger door. The hunter looked it over, unable to understand the writing before him.

"Rico's messages said she'd decifered(sp) this," he shook his head, "I wish she hadn't gotten lost down here. There aren't many good hunters left aboard Pioneer One, and we could really use her help right now." he touched the door, and it slid slowly open. Inside was darkness, and he could only make out shapes in the darkness. It seemed to be a control room of sorts, though it was long lost to time and decay.

"I re-ally wish I hadn't lost my flashlight." he said, but took a step in anyway. Suddenly the room lit up, revealing not a control room, but more of a throne room. The throne didn't look too inviting however, as there were bonds that would hold a person to the chair.

"But why is there a thing like that here? No one found any signs of living quarters or anything, so why would this be here?"

He was answered by sounds behind him, he spun around, lashing out with the saber. It caught a creature by surprise, and the thing fell. Several others swarmed into the room, surrounding him.

"Oh this isn't good." he said, then began chopping at the hoard. He managed to get a few of them before they were on him, and then darkness fell, his conciousness fading...

"Uhn," his eyes opened slightly, and he saw someone before him, someone familiar, "Rico?" he said in surprise.

The room lit up, and he saw that she was halfway absorbed into a thing similar to the creatures running around the ruins. It descusted(sp) him, though he was to exhausted to lose his lunch.

The things muttered around him, their speech seeming almost human, but his head was fuzzy from the fight, and resulting unconciousness.

"Yes, but we cannot take it from him," said a voice, coming from the thing absorbing Rico, "But he will make a fine addition to the ranks."

"No..." he said, as was taken away. His thoughts drifted to his son that he'd left on their home planet, hoping a better future lay ahead of him than this.

"Sora..." he said.

"FATHER!" Sora yelled, sitting up in his bed.

Looking around he slumped back down again. He'd been having these dreams for the past few months. He was onboard Pioneer Two, waiting patiently the last few days for his Hunter's License to clear and allow him access to the planet's surface. He hoped to find his father, who, like everyone else aboard the first Pioneer ship, had disappeared. His father had been a great Hunter, and he had followed his father's footsteps, to a point. He was a force, holding more control over spells than his father had, but at the cost of not being nearly as strong. He would still make his way on this new world, and find out what had happened.

His mag floated up near his head, distressed by his earlier outburst. He pet it, and it crooned happily, glad to see it's Hunter in no sort of danger.

"We'll get to go down there soon," he told it, "Then we'll see ourselves what went on."

Okay, done for now. Now let's see how the PSOing goes, shall we? ;>