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  1. #31
    The original Drunk FOmarl
    Join Date
    Feb 2001


    Lenneth -

    I have a Tempest Vulcan you can have for free (unless you want to trade me something for it). Private Message me if you want it.

    As for the board argument, everyone's made some good points. But no one has really answered my first question (or maybe I phrased it poorly). If the forum stays, do the legit traders (ie. people who want to trade their tempest mechguns for a giest somethingorother) even have a chance of moving their wares? Last month, I posted about a set of S-Beats I'd found and got lots of responses. Just last week I'd posted that I'd found another set of S-Beats I'd be willing to trade and no one cared. Why? Because there's better stuff out there on the market, and S-Beats are commonplace now. I'm selling most of my rares now, simply because if I can't use them and can't trade them, they're just taking up space.

  2. #32


    Van Jance, you stopped posting here because you attacked the staff and ended up putting your own foot in your mouth.

    If you dont like the way I mod, leave. You dont like me because you cant read. Maybe you should start reading and *omg* abiding by the rules. Oh ya, too bad I am no hipocrit.....

    For the forum, I havent assumed. I talk to a great many of the posters here each day, and most of them say the same thing about the forum. If I was going to axe the forum I would of done so already without letting you put your 2cp in.

    Also for your reading pleasure, let me repost the rules for you to read since you havent....

    Joined: Feb 13, 2001
    Posts: 530
    From: USA/IL
    Posted: 2001-03-09 22:01
    Rules in refrence to the General and Off Topic Boards.

    1) Absolutley NO flaming is allowed in any form. Flames will result in your post edited and/or deleted. Muliple instance of flaming can warrent a suspension of 2 weeks.

    Flaming is defined as a inflamitory statement towards an individual or group.

    2) Any posts that do not belong where they are posted WILL be moved to their proper location and the poster will NOT be notified. ANY mention of cheating will go straight to the cheaters forum. Any posts accusing someone of stealing, cheating, lying will go directly to cheaters as well.

    3) Some rants ARE allowed as long as they do not target a group of people or one person.

    4) Useless, racist, sexist or general degrading posts will be Deleted the moment I see them.

    An example of a useless post is 'Yo I slpt with ya modda and she was gud'.

    Double posts will also be deleted. I will delete which ever does not have any responses to them.

    5)I do not give favor to any individual or group on these boards.

    6)Some innaproprate posts might be on the boards for alittle bit. I am only one person and the way the boards are set up only I can moderate them. When I get to them they will be delt with. I usually check the boards for a total of 10 hours during the week and 5 during the weekend ( per day ).

    A personal request:

    Please think before you post (kinda like the drinkin thing . When I wake up and go to work I open the boards. I estimate I move about 20 threads a day and edit about 10 posts just in the morning.

    If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or post them here.

    Thank you,

    Ambrai X`Vie
    PSO World Staff

    Joined: Feb 13, 2001
    Posts: 530
    From: USA/IL
    Posted: 2001-03-06 08:10
    The way I look at the general Forums is a place to share information and help each other in the game. Unfortunatly as of recent these forums have been flooded with rants about cheaters and who stole this and who stole that.

    To date I have been moving posts accusing people of stealing to the proper section (cheaters), but starting today; ANY post in refrence to cheaters that is not worthy of front page news will be moved to cheaters as well.

    Some examples:

    First post made about Sega shutting the servers down will be left in General because its something 'everyone' wants to know about.
    Sequential posts will be moved.

    Rants about duping will be moved.

    Conversation about duping will be moved.

    From now on please consider the Cheaters forum to be a place to discuss/rant about cheating.

    Thank you, and again all feedback is appreciated.

    You broke the rules and got moderated for it. Dont yell at me because of it. This kind of think is starting to piss me off. If you have a problem you talk with that person, not openly flame.

    Playing as Keahi on Phantasy Star Portable 2 - US Version.

  3. #33
    Mercenary for Hire
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Baton Rouge, LA


    >I said that some of my items are Duped.But I didnt dupe them.
    >Some of the items that you have are duped. Admit it.
    >I am against the duping process, but that wouldnt stop me from trading.

    Cube, you just don't get it. We do not have any duped items. We have nothing to admit.

    Those of us who are truly against the duping process do not have any duped items, because we DO NOT TRADE. The existence of duped items has killed legitimate rare item trading.

    Lenneth, I know how you feel. Personally, I'm more into unusual non-rares because they're often better and simply more fun than most rares. But I won't trade for them because doubtless some dupers out there have finally realized they're better than the rares.

    Anyway, back to the original topic: sure, dump the Trading Forum. It will reduce server bandwidth requirements.

  4. #34


    Don't worry Lenneth, finding the 'rare commons' ain't that hard.. just need to look in the right place, usually caves/mines VHard. Cause remember, if you want a geist raygun, you ain't getting it in ruins vhard, because every drop there of handgun type is going to be a varista (if that one post is right - and after some research I can attest to it).

    To support it a little more, me and my friends found 3 rare arms on over 2 hunter ID's.. Burning and Tempest Arms on Bluefull, and Demon's Arms on Oran. Too bad the demon's arms sucks, only does about 260 dmg per special.. ARGH! *helps sheo on his quest for arrest arms*

  5. #35


    Mechdan, are you awake? Read previous posts closer before you reply with such a dumb comment. I said If you dont trade then you have NO BUSINESS discusiing the abolishment of the board. PERIOD. I am a trader, and all traders ahve duped items, thats what i was trying to get at, but I had a lot on my mind at that time so i couldnt express that properly. However, Since your not a trader, dont reply to this topic because you have no right to participate in a conversation that affects people like me who love trading and use the board as an advnatage.

    But It looks like a got what I wanted. The Trading boards are staying up, and i will try to make sure it stays that way. So there is no point in arguing really since I got what I wanted.

    Thanks again raganark for making the right decision.

  6. #36


    BTW- if your gona dump a board for bandwith purposes dump one of the pointless boards like rants, or off topic, one of the not as-popular boards.

  7. #37
    Mercenary for Hire
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Baton Rouge, LA


    Cube, you've got a real attitude problem. I replied to what you wrote, not what you were "trying to get at" but freely admit did NOT express properly.

    You say I have no business discussing this topic unless I'm a trader? WRONG. First off, I used to trade before it was cheating (because of duping). But more importantly, the existence of the trading forum affects all PSO World users because it consumes server bandwidth--and we all know how slow it is already and how PSO World is now desperate for donations to keep up with the bandwidth usage.

    I take it the policy of PSO World is to NOT encourage cheating. It's no longer possible to trade without cheating except among close friends you already know anyway. What's the purpose of the trading forum, then?

  8. #38


    Weird... that's all I'm saying...

  9. #39


    .... (laughs at how stupid you sound).....

    LOL, you have no right to be here saying that the trade forums should be shut down since you do NOT trade. I dont care what you use to do. Think about others. Think about people JUST getting pso, and want to get on their feet with some new weapons. @sses like you will prevent people like them ever getting a chance to making a fare trade. The trade forums put me on my feet with a fast, reliable, and SAFE way to trade.

    Dont ruin it for us because of some Bandwith inconvience you have.

  10. #40
    Mercenary for Hire
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Baton Rouge, LA


    Safe way to trade? You just said yourself that if you trade, you've got duped items. That doesn't sound safe to me.

    The new guy doesn't know much about all the cheating. When Sega cracked down on the gamesharked items, quite a few people posted here complaining about their items being banned not realizing their level 999 mag or +99 egg blaster wasn't legit.

    The fact is, trading via the trading forum virtually guarantees trading for duped/hacked items. The average newbie doesn't know this. You know it, but you use it anyway.

    Why do you use it? Because you want duped items.

    The only users of the trading forum either dupe/hack items, don't care about encouraging duped/hacked items (by trading for duped items), or are ignorant about the duped/hacked item problem. All three such users either cheat or encourage cheating.

    That is NOT something PSO World is supposed to encourage.

    If you can name a legitimate purpose for the trading forum, please do. So far, you haven't even come close.

    Since there's no legitimate purpose for the trading forum, it's at best a waste of precious server bandwidth.

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