cool cool, i like the extend ragol idea =)

it doesnt have to be ragol tho, weve had this story line for quite a while now, can be a whole new planet,im just playing through ps 4 now, and that story seems pretty cool (im right at the begining after getting rika, cant find thingies fortress lol, i think ill have to do a guild mission or summet)

but if say it was a pso ep 1+2 remake it would be cool to get an extended story, such as finding some sort of other government ship in the mines or something, and have the areas full with more monsters so u can have 10 or so people in a team =) but this is all sounding asthough its gonna be a pc style game, im assuming most people that post here have a pc (j/k) but still, i like the pop up speach bubbles and cartoony style, if there was 10 on screen at a time u wouldnt be able to see,and thhus be fo0ked =/

ill start writing up my ideas in full and maybe adding drawings, when i fully develop the idea ill see if sonic team have a uk based place, or if not ill send it via post, but i think it would be soooo cool, with fully customisable combos, scope aiming, and being able to poison enemies =))

ps: also, an idea ive had for a while:

FOcast/caseal =)

well techs do come on disks =) what if robots were built so that they were fully optomised for elemental attacks, the dont necisarily(sp?) have to be human in shape, but this would lead to - "but i want some form of melee" i think it could be the ultimate force! no real need for weapons, (maybe cards, but not in the throwing style, more a boosting tech dmg style) so instead of sticks etc, you get circuit boards, that allow you to get a mst boost.

pps: how about special units that take up more than 1 slot in armours, such as ANDROID/RESTA - a unit that takes up 4 slots that allows cast's to use there pb bar as a tp bar and use like lvl 5 resta or summin
or a 4 slot unit/implant sorta thing where i can give my RAmar the strengths of a droid (obviously disabling spells while its in) such as seing mines, no poison/para

anyway keep up the good work peeps

(by the way all of my chars that got fsodx'd have been remade, and my HUcast is a mighty level 7 = RAmar is 4)