I have absolutely no idea.

It started back on the DC, where I bought v.1 used for like $5 just to see if I would enjoy the game or not, just to test out the game before I got the GC version (and if I would have hated it not buy it). Got a level 20 character.

Got GC version, offline only. Level 50 HUnewearl.

X-Box version. Four characters that I play as. One force, three hunters. One FOnewearl, one HUmar and two HUnewearls. Why the hell do I choose the characters that PLAY EXACTLY THE SAME? Except for the force, but I make her melee so its like 3.25 hunters I primarely play is. Its like 500-600 hours of my life. Hunting for boomas. In the forest. And the cave boomas. Mine boomas. Ruins boomas! (Nod to a previous post I've read here before.) I honestly don't know why.

I just made my Sato. Its a frickin ugly Sato that looks like he got splattered with green paint and dipped in guacamole sauce. So I start making another one for the heck of it. Black.... oooh. Because I've never had a cool looking Sato, and I've had it for two days now. I just find an Anti 7 disk. Yeah, but I'm just ranting but why the hell is this game so damn compelling that out of all 50+ games I have, over 4 systems, do I play just this one! Hell, my latest HUnewearl is a Skyly so I can find a frickin J-Sword but why am I so motivated to find one! I don't know even though I know I'll probably never get one!

Ack.... stupid Sonic Team for making a game thats the video game component of crack. Screw Animal Crossing, PSO is more addictive..... wah!
