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  1. #1
    Customary AWESOME Title Solstis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    I Missed the Ground


    Decided to try my hand at non-groupie ficcie. Introducting: Solodoro

    Constructive (<---) Criticism is helpful and expected!

    Note: This occurs after Rise of the Machines!
    ************************************************** ***

    Alpha 360: Decommissioned

    Chapa 1: Birth without all the hassle

    Loading A.I. core "Replica_dat.".... complete
    Loading Sub_Systems...
    Targeting.... complete
    Mobility..... complete
    Sinow_Systems.... complete
    Memory_Core .... error?
    ..... exception 2093 O#E.... 3 fragments found.....




    It woke for the first time, its visor awakening with a sharp crackling noise.

    Memory upload.... begin.

    Solodro, it knew was its name? something told it that. A stream of information began to flood his A.I., giving it information and a mass of images complementing them.

    The images and information began to slow, revealing some important details....

    It saw... odd looking creatures defending themselves against unregistered organisms. Something told it that they were... hunters and it should terminate them if encountered. A quick list of names scrolled down his vision; Montague, BOC, Elenor....

    The screen flashed for a moment and settled on a damaged looking RAcast wielding a Yasmikov 7000V. Out of its arms it released two dangerous looking blades that glowed red. It had white and green paint, seemed rather short, and, according to Solodro?s database, is named Alpha 360.

    Target... acquired. A voice told it.

    Mome smiled... he would have his way after all, it seemed.

    The newly commissioned android Solodro stepped out of his containment unit. It was a rather unimposing looking HUcast. A standard dark-blue paintjob, somewhat short in stature, the only odd feature one could gather of it were its "eyes". They blazed with a strange white fury, displaying the raw power underneath the cold metal shell.

    "Welcome to the land of the living, fair traveler! I hope you have slept well, for you have a very important mission!" beamed Mome, his heart to his chest as if genuinely concerned.

    "My... mission?"


    Alpha slowly stood up. Although Montague had restored all of his old abilities, not to mention adding a few crazy twists of his own, Alpha had lost much of his maneuverability. It was all for the better, the machine supposed, Mome was a skill-less oaf compared to the genius Newman.

    He peered over the smoking rubble of the Hunter Section while stretching his weary mechanical arms. There would be a lot of work to do....

    ************************************************** ***
    About that Solstis/Toldos fic I was talking about... er... yeah... that....

    Alright then, hopefully that's a little clearer. Chapa 2 will be up a little later.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Solstis on 2004-03-05 06:46 ]</font>

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Solstis on 2004-03-06 14:10 ]</font>

  2. #2
    Creator Of Worlds
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Closer than you think...


    Hmmm, it is abit short but thats not really a problem.

    The bit with Solodro watching a screen, it's a bit confusing, that section needs to be re-written slightly to make it more clear about what is happening.

  3. #3
    Customary AWESOME Title Solstis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    I Missed the Ground


    The long (*cough*) awaited second chapter!

    ************************************************** ***
    Chapa 2:

    Carnival rides are dangerous

    Solstis lay on top of a cliff overlooking a small valley, his body hidden behind a few trees on the mossy forest ground. Toldos sat cross-legged next to him, tilting from side to side, apparently singing a song to himself.


    Toldos fell over, awakening from his stupor.


    "See those rappies down there, I think that they're holding a festival or something."

    Solstis pointed at a happy-looking group of rappies prancing and cavorting below them. They saw Glowball races, Glowball catching games, and even a daring race to the edge of a cliff! A few hunters milled about, taking in the sights. One irate hunter was yelling at a small rappy surrounded by a few computers, furious at the prices. The rappy calmly pecked the hunter in the leg, sending him howling.

    Toldos laughed at the man, feeling oddly happy. The rappies had apparently stolen a stereo of some sort, and infectious music floated in the breeze.

    Toldos hummed the odd song while nodding at Solstis, who continued to speak.

    "If all of the rappies are here, they must not be guarding the Rappy-Lode."

    "The Rappy-Lode?"

    "It's the place where all of the rappies go to stash their treasures. That's where I got my Yamato from, which, unfortunately, broke."

    "So you want to raid this... Rappy-Lode?" quizzically asked Toldos in-between singing.

    "Cut that out! And, yes, though we'll have to be quiet."

    Toldos frowned at the suggestion. He wanted to go to the festival....


    Solodro slowly stalked the streets of Pioneer 2. He looked around to see construction crews putting the city back together, as if after some intense war. Roads had to be re-paved, homes re-built, and many areas were left without electricity.

    He had definitely missed something fun, the droid decided.

    The android stopped in front of a large building with giant letters spelling out "BEE" on it's front. A massive construction crane was blocking his path, it having obvious difficulty in the task of raising an antennae to the top. Solodro watched in amusement as the antennae swung into the side of a building, sending bricks clattering to the workers below.

    "Having fun, are we, bud?"

    A burly Humar stood behind Solodro menacingly brandishing a Last Survivor. A few of his friends jeered behind him, apparently part of some street gang. Each had a cheap looking orange band on their arm with the letters "Anti-Machine League" running across the tacky orange surfaces.

    Solodro slowly turned around while pulling two canes out from his inventory. They were not his preferred weapons, nor his strongest, but the droid knew that he wouldn’t need anything better.

    The Humar sneered and his friends laughed. "Ya wish ya were created a Newman, Android scum?" The Humar spit at that last suggestion. The others followed suit, and Solodro calculated that he was their leader.

    The Humar was still smiling as he swung his sword horizontally at Solodro, not caring for style or technique, assuming his opponent to be a weak one.

    Solodro ducked under the swing and quickly tucked his right cane behind his opponent's forward ankle and yanked up. Without standing, Solodro hit the hunter mid-air with the other cane, breaking some of his ribs and implanting the cane in his mid-section.

    As Solodro lifted the cane out with a sickening 'Sloop' the other hunters ran away, abandoning their stricken leader.

    "Thanks for the practice, bud."
    His opponent did not respond.


    Um... ?

  4. #4
    Creator Of Worlds
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Closer than you think...


    And I thought it was going to be serious!

    1. Chapter one is much more clear now. Well done.

    2. Get permission if you plan to use other peoples characters in you fan-fic. Pretty much everyone will agree, but DO get permission first anyway.

    3. Change your sig to a more friendly format, paste this into your sig:
    Alpha 360: Decommissioned

  5. #5
    Customary AWESOME Title Solstis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    I Missed the Ground


    Ooh, thanks for the tips/info/suggestions/help.

    And I can't make anything completely serious... I get bored.

    Think MontyPython's "And Now for Something Completely Different".

    *scrambles off to fix sig.*

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