I did a forum search for "spoiler" and check all the threads that showed up, except for the endu ones since I still haven't beaten the game with him yet. If any of the questions are from a few months back or in one of those endu threads I'm sorry in advance.

I have beaten story mode offline with Sil'fer, Break and Kranz. Still planning on completing the game with Ino'lis, Endu and Lura to get their final battle cutscenes.
The questions I have thus far are:
What did Nef (Relmitos) do to make Break turn to the arkz? (I finished the arkz side with Break a few weeks ago. Sorry if the answer is somewhere in there.)
Did Kranz ever figure out that Kylria is his big sister? If he didn't find out, do you think Kylria told him?
When Ino'lis is talking about getting deployed with Kranz/just deploy her in the 21st tier (only the 2 on 1 battle here) is that just something ST forgot to remove/change? or does it hint towards her wanting to be deployed for the final battle(s)?
According to Kranz's final battle cutscence does anyone you choose to fight the final battles against Pollus/Castor - Amplam Umbra dies?
Anyone know Red's real name?

I need to go through the Arkz side again. Doing the quest line I didn't do last time to see if I can formulate any more questions to ask you guys