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  1. #21


    Clans are just a group of friends! EA had some recruiting crap, while me Spy and Ukyou just talked about one, and when we got the right idea, we all joined it! Just as friends, that's all. We say all this stuff about EA sucking and all, but we are just playing around! And if you take it seriously, tough poopoo.


  2. #22



    I just think clans in general are funny things to have. hah. I mean.. gimme a break. What can a clan do for you? is it like the YMCA? do you meet new and exciting friends?. . Just like.. go meet people.. don't form a after school club in order to do it. and if you are gonna all be into after school clubs(clans) then guess what.. do your clan stuff and don't start talking about "this clan no like us"
    "we better then this clan we have more monies" , "no me clan better then jooo."

    ok lameness, gayness, shameless.


    eRUPT - HUnewearl LvL 95
    rUPT - RAcaseal

  3. #23


    Even though omega12 made fun of our clan name, "THUGNATION" ,in the past forums, he does have a point...A clan is just a group of friends that play and have fun together. I really dont like clan wars and all that, but hey, DHS started this. U guys had to make fun of our name and we just did the same thing. But I dont take it seriously, its all fun and laughter.

    And as for long as u dont tease and diss us, we're all cool...maybe some of the 30+ our members want to have a gangfight, but its just a waste of long as u dont boast "we are the best" then...peace...but if u want flames, the BRING IT ON!!!


  4. #24


    ..ttttii,,::;;ffLLffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffLL LLjj,,..
    ;;GGLLLLLLffLLLLffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffLLLL ii
    ::LLLLffffffffffffLLLLffttffLLLLffffffffffffLLfftt ii,,..
    jjGGffffffffffLLLLii.. ..iiLLLLffffffffffffffLLLLLLff;;
    ,,LLLLLLffffLLLL;; jjLLffffffffffffffffffLLLLLLjj..
    ..ffLLffLLffLLtt ,,LLLLffffffffffffffffffffLLLLff..
    ::ff,,iiLLLLLL,, ::ffLLffffffffffffffffffffffffLLtt
    ,,jj ,,LLLLff.. ;;tt ffLLffffffffffffffffffffLLLLLLLL,,
    ;;jj ..ffGGtt ffGG;; jjLLffffffffffffffffLLLLLLLLffLLjj
    ,,jj jjGGii jjLLtt jjLLffffffffffffffLLLLtt;;,,::::::
    ::jj ::LLLL,, ttGGtt..ffLLffffffffffLLLLjj,,
    .tt::::GGtt ;;GGtt::ffLLffffffffffLLLLtt..
    ;;;; ffjj;;iiLLLLffffffffffffffLLffii..,,ttjj.. ,,ffLLffffffffffffffffffLLGGff..
    ;;LLffffffttii,,......,,ffLLffffffffffffffffffffff ffGGtt
    ttLLGGLLLLLLLLLLffffffLLLLffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffLL,,
    ..ttLLLLffffffffffffLLLLLLLLjjttiiiiiiiiiittffLLGG LL::
    ,,ffLLLLLLLLLLLLLLjj;;:: ..,,iitttttt;;::

    sry if this don't work, its an ASCII art sonic

  5. #25


    theres a pso clan named thugnation?
    jesus I'm at work don't make me laugh too much or I'll look like I'm actually enjoying myself.

    eRUPT - HUnewearl LvL 95
    rUPT - RAcaseal LvL 52

  6. #26


    On 2001-04-23 23:22, Cube wrote:
    Ah and yes i remember when Spy called a truce. i gladly welcomed it. however him and his DHS fello's had to spark things up again and get loud mouthed...

    Cube... you see, when you came to us, the DHS, on your knees practically begging for a merger, we respectuflly declined, and then you declared out right war against us.

    Now, why does 75% hate EA? That's easy, everyone doesn't hate you guys cause you are about 25% that can stand it.

  7. #27


    I dont hate EA...i just think they are weak!...Haha, j/k ;p..

  8. #28


    On the recruitiment thing: Out of the 100 or so people that asked to be tried out i think i only let 1 or 2 in... The EA is a group of frineds. thats pretty simple, and quiet blunt. If we say DHS sucks were suaully jokin. Sometimes they take things to far, but whadaya gona do. No one in the -EA- hates eachother. we all level up together, we all hang out together, we all have a blast with eachother. And i think the recruitment thing was a good idea, because if i ddint do it i would never had met 2 of my coolest pso buds Verve and Ziro.
    Most of you who arent in the EA are gona hate on us and say clans suck and thats pretty much because your not in one lol. Your obviously gona deny it because most of you dont have the strength to admit it, but oh well...EA is l33t and thats because we work hard to keep it that way. And whoever got in that arguemnet with Ice im pretty sure it was for a good reason. I couldnt even understand ur post, I never even heard about it until i read this post. So dont say he went to tell the whole Elite Alliance when hte founder doesnt even know what ur talkin about.

    And spy... when are you leaving? Hasent your time here passed? Its funnny how you keep on pulling bull-shit out of your ass about the EA but no matter, not many people have any respect left here for you are your "clan"...Your words mean nohting, even the lies....

  9. #29


    Merlin is a clan of one...( lol ).I cant play for 5 minutes before the simple mails start pouring in.Actually,I thought that EA was Electronic Arts, and I personally think THEY suck.I'd be happy to sit in on ANY clan actually,they dont bother me at all.

  10. #30


    Well, I remember when Ice_ came charging up to me in a lobby saying I was a member of them. I hadn't heard of them and I didn't know what was going on.

    p.s. My name on PSO is Ragnarok, but surely the characters can't look the same

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