Well, since I never have the time to play PSO at home, I play ... at work! Being a technicien/operator/security guard gives you more free time then you could imagine, expecially at night! Thx for that anoying phone and to the audio alarms, that way I can snap out of PSO and go check things out. Which is why, if anyone here plays with me on PSO one day, don't be suprised if I can't do C-mode or just keep up stoping in the middle of Mine2 when my team needs back-up , I made a siomple simbol chat to let people know when the phone is ringing so, most of the time it's ok ... only in the few times I tried C-mode, I died a lot of time because of that dam phone -_-. But beleive it or not! I cleared 4 Challenges by now! woohoo. Anyway here's the pic, if you're as bored as I am, feel free to send a picture of your PSO playground or just describ it so that bored people from the off-topic section will have somthing to read for the rest of the night! Thank you