Results 1 to 9 of 9
  1. #1


    Guys, just curious, on that rare page, which items are rare (can be gotten by any section i.d.), and which are obtained by having the right section ID badge?

    Also, what degree of rareness do you all think the weapons should be? i think rares to me are first ones u get, and can be gotten with any badge, then comes uniques, which can be gotten by any class but very hard, then section id uniques which only come from having the right section id... do you agree with me with the three degree of rareness? or am i completely wrong?

  2. #2

  3. #3


    I found a page (that's all in japanese unfortunately) that lists items and where you can get them. It's still in progress, but this page has a ton of info on what items can be found where, and what section ID has the best chance of finding it. The link is:

    They also started a page describing what items drop from which enemies. Again, it's still in progress and is at

  4. #4


    hope this helps.


    NORMAL ruins Type Name Necessary ability
    Nail Photon claw Attack power (215)
    Sword ?A?M?g (? Attack power (195)
    Both swords Double saber Attack power (235)

    HARD forest Type Name Necessary ability
    Large sword ?h???S???X???C???[ Attack power (470)

    HARD cave Type Name Necessary ability
    Sword Durand dull Attack power (310)

    HARD drift Type Name Necessary ability
    Rifle ?T?v???X?g?K?? Degree of on-target hit (110)
    Stick Stick of ?A?_?}?? Perseverance -
    Aggressive stick Blurring eve hammer Perseverance -
    Shield ???W?F?l???C?g?M?A Level (66)

    VERYHARD forest Type Name Necessary ability
    Fist Blurring eve knuckle Attack power (250) VIRIDIA, PINKAL and WHITILL
    Fist Angle fist Attack power (315) WHITILL
    Nail Photon claw Attack power (215) VIRIDIA, GREENILL, SKYLY and WHITILL
    Nail Silence claw Attack power (336) WHITILL
    Sword ?J???h?{???O Attack power (295) YELLOWBOZE
    Sword ?A?M?g (1983) Attack power (195) REDRIA
    Sword ?A?M?g (1975) Attack power (195) SKYLY
    Sword ???B?N?^?[?A?N?X Attack power (250)
    Both swords ?X?^?b?O?J?b?g???? Attack power (343)
    Large sword ?h???S???X???C???[ Attack power (480)
    Halberd The Seoul eater Attack power (165)
    Halberd The Seoul vanishing Attack power (470)
    Armor Hunter field Level (2
    Armor Armor of ?t???E?E?F?? Level (2
    Armor Armor of DB Level (2
    Armor Parasitic guard " flannel gal " Level (66)
    Shield Shield of ?t???E?E?F?? Level (66)
    Shield Shield of DB Level (66)

    VERYHARD cave Type Name Necessary ability
    Nail Photon claw Attack power (215) PINKAL, REDRIA and ORAN
    Sword ?A?M?g (2001) Attack power (195) REDRIA
    Both swords Double saber Attack power (235) VIRIDIA, SKYLY and WHITILL
    Rifle Custom ray ver.00 Degree of on-target hit (120) VIRIDIA
    Long gun ?E?H???X - Mk - II Degree of on-target hit (120) GREENILL
    Armor Ranger field Level (2
    Armor Custom frame ver.00 Level (66)
    Armor D part ver1.01 Level (66)
    Armor D part ver2.10 Level (66)
    Armor Spirit garment Level (66)
    Armor Parasitic guard " ?f * Ro Lu " Level (66)
    Shield Combat gear Level (66)

    VERYHARD drift Type Name Necessary ability
    Nail Photon claw Attack power (215) VIRIDIA, GREENILL, SKYLY and WHITILL
    Both swords Double saber Attack power (235) PINKAL, REDRIA and ORAN
    Small sword Cross square Attack power (480) ORAN
    Large sword ?h???S???X???C???[ Attack power (480) SKYLY
    Halberd ???B?W???? Attack power (470) BLUEFULL
    Rifle Blurring I bus Degree of on-target hit (120) VIRIDIA
    Rifle Holly ray Degree of on-target hit (120) VIRIDIA
    Machine gun L & K14 combat Degree of on-target hit (125) PURPLENUM
    Shot gun Final impact Degree of on-target hit (125) VIRIDIA
    Ball cartridge ?C???t?F???m?o?Y?[?J Degree of on-target hit (125)
    Stick Stick of ?Y?~?E???? Perseverance (450)
    Aggressive stick ?A???C?u?A?N?D?[ Perseverance (480)
    Magical stick Ice stick " ?_?S?? " Perseverance (485) PINKAL
    Armor Fourth field Level (2

    VERYHARD ruins Type Name Necessary ability
    ID (main thing)
    Fist God hand Attack power (470) WHITILL
    Both swords Twin brand Attack power (470) ORAN
    Large sword Chain sawed Attack power (470) SKYLY
    Halberd The Seoul vanishing Attack power (470) BLUEFULL
    Rifle ?T?v???X?g?K?? Degree of on-target hit (110)
    Rifle Holly ray Degree of on-target hit (120) VIRIDIA
    Special shot gun Spread needle Degree of on-target hit (130) VIRIDIA
    Ball cartridge ?t???C???r?W?b?g Degree of on-target hit (11 GREENILL
    Ball cartridge ?C???t?F???m?o?Y?[?J Degree of on-target hit (125)
    Stick ?X?e?B???O?e?B?b?v Perseverance (450)
    Aggressive stick ?J?W???[?V?[?X Perseverance -
    Magical stick ?}?W?J???s?[?X Perseverance (380) PINKAL
    Magical stick Technical claw sir Perseverance - PINKAL
    Armor ?Z???X?e?B?A???A?[?}?[ Level (80)
    Armor Parasitic guard " ???@?W???? " Level (66)
    Shield ?n???^?[?E?H?? Level (66)
    Shield ?????W???[?E?H?? Level (66)
    Shield ?t?H?[?X?E?H?? Level (66)
    Shield ?A?g???r???[?g?E?H?? Level (66)

  5. #5

  6. #6


    Sweet! Thanks for the post, though apparently this was run through some kinda auto-japanese-to-english translator...

    "Degree of on-target hit"? =) I guess having shortened acronyms (ATA) really does make a difference.


    -= Cliftonium =-

  7. #7


    yes it was!

    too bad that oran has the highest chance of getting the twin brand.

  8. #8


    The first japanese sword is Agito.. Ah Gi To 3 katakana symbols..

  9. #9


    NORMAL ruins Type Name Necessary ability
    Nail Photon claw Attack power (215)
    Sword ?A?M?g(agito) (? Attack power (195)
    Both swords Double saber Attack power (235)

    HARD forest Type Name Necessary ability
    Large sword ?h???S???X???C???[(dragon slayer) Attack power (470)

    thats the first katakana is rusty and I don't feel like translating all of them, just ask about which ones interest you most

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