So ya lv.1's should do the complete tutorial, even if they know how to play, it earns them a free PhotonArt and NPC.

kk so like well I forgot some details but I think it's best to level up to 5-8 doin the Linear Line C rank missions.

then at Parum try joining a party to do Raphon Plains c rank runs until maybe lv. 8-10. if you have a good party, you can do sleeping warriors and overlord if you're careful, just be sure to tag everything with a handgun or whatever, then survival takes priority. let the higher levels handle the rest (hee hee hee).

then for lv.10-15 you could try doing Neudaiz mizuraki missions. a party would be helpful, and even a pair would be great since you'll get finisher bonus exp more often that way.

15-20 its best to do Rank B Linear Line missions (those have lv.20 monsters), but it's recommended to only do this if you have a decent enough party to clear those missions quickly enough.
because if you spend a half-hour killing a room of monsters then you are better off chaining more exp from Parum C rank missions.

or you could try rank B or C Parum missions. Sleeping Warriors is truly excellent, especially if you manage to get S rank each run. repeating Sleeping Warriors is a good source of exp and cash early on. just be sure to join a stronger party if your gonna tackle it in rank B mode.

and there you have it!

a simple to understand Lv.1-20 guide!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Saner on 2006-10-25 08:37 ]</font>