Hello everyone,
I have a few questions about the PC version of PSU:

1) (PC version)How do you control the camera in the game? is it in the style of lineage where you can control it easily with the mouse or is it more dificult like holding ctrl+arrows?

2) How is the PC population compared to the 360 population?

3)(PC version)How are the rest of the controls? How hard is it to play with keyboard compared to a 360 controller?(keep in mind that I can't plug my 360 controller into my PC[wireless])

4)How is the 360 version with all the japanese people playing?

5)How hard is it to set up a controller for the PC version if I were to buy one?

6)How are the graphics of the PC version compared to the 360? (Keep in mind I have a pretty good PC[3.2GHz HT, good GeFore4 card])

7)How is the lag aspect of the PC version compared to 360? I remember in the Beta of the 360 that people would teleport around often when moving.

Thank you in advance for your time, if you don't like my post and feel the need to "flame" me; please don't bother posting then, thank you. =)