I am selling the following items, prices may be discussed ingame

I am located online right now at:
Universe 12, Guardian Colony, Floor 1, Inbetween the two ramps going up

3x Twin Knife (GRM)
1x Snihoh
1x Stellaline
1x Brandline
3x Star Atomizer
1x Slaterian
1x Teranite
2x Chocotite
2x Cyral
5x Dianaline
1x Upteline
8x NanoSilica
3x NanoCarbon
1x Par Ash
1x Neu Wood
4x Kubara Wood
1x RELIC EDGE (11 star rare material)

Serious offers only, don't waste my time please

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ichthasen on 2006-10-29 20:58 ]</font>