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  1. #1


    Can anyone tell me Advantages and Disadvantages of a Force against a Hunter? I just started using a Fomar after always using a Humar and I was wondering what was gonna be different, harder, easier? Anyone help?

  2. #2


    Its gona be very different and sorta harder.You have to learn to not do melee combat.You must now rely on spells cuz the fomars arent very good at defense.

  3. #3


    LOL I started out the same as you. I know one of my problems was range. When I casted spells I'd think a short distance was enough to do it but it only did me in cuz of casting delays and the enemies speed. So make sure you're casting at maximum range. Also you may have tendancy of going in close too. Try and get that out of your system when you play true forces.

  4. #4
    HUcast at Heart
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    That Shadow *points*


    In later levels (if you choose FOmar) you may want to have weak attack on because at about level 50 your able to dish out around 60 damage a hit (not much but if you don't have the tp use attacks)

  5. #5


    I still keep weak attack on because I can't bear the thought of wasting TP to bust open a crate...

    ...but I was thinking of getting a gun with TP drawing ability if I could. Does anyone know if that's practical or if a FO is just going to miss so much that s/he could have got more TP just by standing still?

  6. #6


    You'll generally notice that exception of your MST and techs, you're inferior to all stats to HU in every way. For example, you die way too easy compared to HU.

    First of all, forget about using a weapon in a battle. You can carry one for busting off boxes, finishing dying monster, stat boosts, occasional filling up TP w/ Heart-series, and/or just for cool looks, but it should NEVER be your primary offensive tool. It just won't deal damage. Your techs are there for that.

    Second, running around like a mad chicken is actually a GOOD tactic for a FO. Don't charge in like a HU normally does. That's a suicide. Keep an optimal distance with your enemy at all times, namely your tech range. So learning about your tech range is good too.

    Also, expect your $$$ to drop consistently due to consuming lots of fluids.

    I think that's about it.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sedric on 2002-11-18 09:05 ]</font>

  7. #7
    Rappy Hunter
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Lowell, Mass, USA


    Grab a Heart, Mind, or Giest gun and set the special attack to one of your keys.

    Online its useful to also keep a paralyze slicer handy, to help out your hunters.

    But for the most part you'll be fighting with techs anyways.

  8. #8


    ive played both the force and the hunter up past lvl 100 and here is what ive found

    HUnter: one on one close range combat, does verry high damage to one or a few monster at a time. they are great characters dish out and take damage
    Cons:a lvl 25 hunter in normal has the exact same distructive *power as a lvl 125 hunter, meaning a lvl 25 can take down a monster in a single hit, run to the next one and repeat..and it is the exact same with a lvl 125 hunter, to bad you dont get exp points for overkill
    *not refering to ATP, im refering to the time it takes to clear a room

    FOrces: multiple enimies mid to long range combat, does moderate ammounts of damage to multiple monsters at a time. at higher levels they are the most *powerful characters in the game, able to destroy every monster in the room with just one spell
    Cons:they have low HP and Defense and untill higher levels are terrible boss killers, also, its hard for a force to raise a good mag because they must spend most of the fluids they buy to replenish TP and often dont have enough spare fluids to boost up a mags mind

    well, there you have it i hoped that helped

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