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  1. #1


    Something really shameful happened tonite while I was playing, and I wanted to let you all know about it.

    I started a game with some JP players, and a guy I already knew. (yo, Eugridor!) We were getting along fine, working as a team and patting each other on the back for opening switches and basically saving each others skins. Eug had to split, and then it went downhill from there.

    I suppose I feel responsible for this in some way, because I should have locked the game, but I didn't.

    "DARK MESSIAH J" jumped into the game, and we all said our hellos. He immediately began begging for a double sabre. We all told him that we didn't have any. (I'm a giant robot ranger, DOES IT LOOK LIKE I WOULD CARRY A DOUBLE SABER!!??) And I got a bad feeling about this kid right away.

    When we hit the surface, and got into some heat, one of the JP players got surrounded and killed. No sooner did his warm body hit the ground, that jerk was on him and ganked all his shit. It was un-f*%cking believeable. The kid was just hovering like a rat weasel. He turned right around and split for the teleporter.

    The 2 JP players just sat there, amazed.

    I was FURIOUS!

    I was so ashamed. there was nothing I could do to stop him. I would have given anything to be able to reach out and f*%king choke the life right out fo that kid. I know it's just a game, but damn! Didn't this kid's parents teach him ANYTHING?

    Well, mine taught me a thing or two, so I did the only thing I could. I gave the guy my VISK 235W +16, right there on the spot. The gun that's been welded to my robots hand since the day I found it. The gun I've ground up from a plus nothing.

    I dropped it at his feet and looked for the "I'm so very sorry, I am ashamed for my country, and words cannot express my feelings, please accept this gift" phrase in the translator window. (But the closest I could come was, "I'm sorry")

    I think he was more stunned.

    I proceeded to give him the other 3 ?SPECIAL WEAPON's that I found, and all the monogrinders I came accross. By the end of the game, the 3 of us were bonded like glue. If there's anything better than having someone tell you, "Krunk< You are cool." thru a translator, I don't know what it is.

    My only true hope was to be 10 times as cool as that prick, and try to erase the notion of how amazingly horrible we can be as a country.

    Ambassador Krunk, at your service.

  2. #2



    I've given up on random games. I've made enough friends to have at least one on at any given time and RARELY will I venture into random games (like tonight, Seqret. Hey, any game titled PSO World can't be so bad).

    What I've found is that the American Dream has sort of become "greed, wealth, power" instead of the "comfortable living" it used to be. And it's leaked to PSO. Don't get me wrong, not all PSO players are bad. You know this.

    But it comes down to a fact of representation. I'm sort of two sided on this, because that guy, no matter how hard he puts up a fight, is still just one citizen of Japan. It's not like he's the anthropomorphic representation of the country Japan. "Yeesh.. sorry Japan, here, lemme see what I can do for you to replace the uh.. loss."

    This kind of happens to all of us, you realize. I've had my crap yanked from me so many times by my own to be wary of anyone anywhere anytime.

    I say find who's worthy to play with you, stick to them like glue, and um.. password your games.


    <font size=1>[ This message was edited by: Jihatsu on 2001-02-25 05:12 ]</font>

  3. #3


    ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS collect guild cards of you can. This way you can track particular assholes online and have your bittersweet revenge with them (both times I got my items back by following thieves and bitching at them).

  4. #4
    Veteran Fighter
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Massachusetts, USA


    Agreed. I think the easiest way to tell if there's going to be a problem with anybody is to give them your card once you start playing. If they don't give you theirs, it could mean either:

    A) They don't know how, this has happened to me a few times, but once your past level 20 oniline it's not as believable anymore.

    B) They don't want you to track them because they are planning on stealing something if you or a teammate dies.

  5. #5


    actually, i never give out my guild card to anyone before we play.
    don't want someone always harassing me later on...

    trading is a different story... guild cards first.

  6. #6


    man i really hate that.. just completely ruins the game and makes you feel like crap.

    if youve ever been to japan, you know that its really a magical place people have such different views of the world and their fellow man.. its so different from america and its sad that the japanese have to come in contact with us.. even me who i feel am very aware and try to be considerate, i have felt myself stepping on the delicate and polite customs of the japanese.

    but at the same time, what ive heard from my japanese friends is that they have come to expect that type of behaviour from foreigners.

    i think in a sense.. behaviour like that of the item thief actually reinforces the japanese way of thinking.. it provides a clear contrast to the way they look at life.. and where an american might get corpse jacked, get very cynical and start doing it themselves to "get even" in some abstract way, i dont think the japanese would neccesarily have the same reaction.

  7. #7


    in other words.. this isnt the first time foreign devils have insulted or otherwise treated the japanese badly.. its been ingrained in their cultural consciousness, though they may not come in contact with it everyday.

    but most japanese(unlike most americans) are also considerably smart enough to be able to separate the individual from the country.

    i think its good that you offered your items to make up for the loss though.. that was a very considerate thing to do

  8. #8



    Why would anyone want to go through the trouble of harrassing you at all? (unless you were a jerk to them or stole something from them...)

  9. #9


    Ugh, I've come across this many a time on PSO. And I have also come across those from Japan who do not wish to associate with me because I'm American. One of my Japanese friends on PSO cannot socialize with her other Japanese friends when I'm around, because they complain often and make a big deal about it. They've all had items stolen from a bunch of rude American a-holes and they come to distrust ALL of them. I asked my friend if she could tell her friends that I'm very sorry for what happened to them and to show that I'm not a bad person, I'd give them any item they wished. Yes, even my hero/ability unit... these items mean little to me when it comes to my own reputation and how others feel about me and others who are in this situation in the US. Bah. The guy wouldn't listen to my friend though..he still hates Americans. But I'm glad she knows better. She totally agrees with me that it's stupid to hate Americans as a whole, as easy as it is to do so. I mean, think about it. There are also bad people from Japan. You may not hear about it much, or at all, but there ARE item thieves from Japan. There obviously aren't many of them but my friends from Japan have told me about them. Anyways..don't you think this is kind of unnexpected that a video game is becoming a diplomatic tool? It's becoming less and less about hack & slash to me, and more and more about the people. Gah, I'd hate to see this with PK'ing turned may start a war! x_X;

    Anyways, I can sympathyse with you, Krunk, for being a Martyr. I'm also quite proud of you. I try to do the same thing where I can... Me and another person in the middle of a trade and some guy comes by and swipes the item I'm giving to them.*sigh* After the jerk leaves I give the person a replacement item. I don't mind giving away items really.

    It helps me make more friends It's smart to make good close friends on PSO and stick with them. Then you can meet their friends...and their friends's friends, and so forth. Eventually, you won't need to go into random games, because you have so many cool people on your guild card list already!

    Anyways, for a humorous thought...think about 4 thieves in the game all attempting to cheat and steal from one another. LOL Funnier thing is...the Thieves would be pissed that someone stole from ironic

  10. #10
    PSU X360 Warrior
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Tucson AZ USA


    Some of these players just make me sick. Props to you Krunk I wouldve done the same thing.

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