Hey what's up? This is Agne and i'm introducing myself/ looking for players. I'm 25 and live in arkansas and am currently playing psu on 360. I guess to tell about my pso career i have to start with the day pso launched on dc. I played as a racast called Dark Angel. I had many many hours of virtual world fun on the dc pso. Until the legit/ unlegit war happened and i started losing items like a gambling fool. Then me and my clan went on a war of legitness but realized soon we could only lose this war. So we decided to even the grounds. I searched high and low and eventually i learned that if you dropped items in a room and turned off your dc, you'd still have you're items and could go back to the room and retrieve "dupes" of the items. Now we had a weapon!!! Do your best hackers! i have my items on back up!!! Then character deletion happened..... Then i read a little post saying that if i bought a gameshark i could back up my save.. Win again for my clan. From there i bought a gameshark and began arduous task of collecting every rare in the game without hacker worry by back up saving my rares. Some may say i ruined the economy.. however i never traded dupes just kept a copy on a different memory card. The items i couldn't collect online i created after pso ver 2 came out and i had to pay so i quit playing online and convinced all of my friends to join up and play. With 16 players in 1 house playing 4 dc's it's bad ass especially when everyone is stock full of rares. then i went to gc offline and played until the xbox version. I went online with it and played legit as NjlzAgne (hucast) and Prince Akuta (male force) until everyone left and there weren't enough ppl to make real rare hunting possible; so i became another hacker... once again collecting every rare in the game. After a while playing online just didn't hold it's luster anymore so i just started playing offline with my g-friend and my homies. Once again having more fun than ever when everyone is showing off the whole collection of pso weaponry.
Now i play as Agne a beast hunter looking for figunner. I'm not a "hardcore player" as in i may play alot but i'm not always spamming a level. I take pride in my room and i am just savoring the game. I'm level 32 right now, but i'm not complaining about a level cap either... me and my girl friend still play and even though we have to take turns playing.. we still would like to find some couples that enjoy the same kind of gaming passion. I generally play all night and am in uni 1 since i've found no one that religously plays at night. And she plays in the morning.
Now i sit here upon a new horizon. No hacker war in sight and a new horse to ride on. Let us live in peace as psu residents and may our ride thru space be an enjoyably long one.