(Note: I know, it's a repost from the main boards. I wrote this because I thought people might find it humorous and get a bit of a laugh. It's a referance to the "Lightbulb Thread Joke" on the main formums. So without further ado, here it is.)

Ok, so I was in Universe 1. For those of you who haven’t been around Universe 1 lately, the light bulb has burned out. I pointed out the light bulb in Universe 1 was out, but no one seems to know exactly where the heck the light bulb is exactly. We searched everywhere for it. Ok, not everywhere, because it was dark and no one wanted to give up their Raffon Meadow lobby spots so it was more searching through the GRM store by dagger-light with a chunky guy with a green afro who’s name was in some strange alpha-numeric language. I think we gave up searching when I tried to get one of the staff to brighten my dagger-light so we could see better, but the moron broke it. Put the batteries in the wrong way and shorted it out of all things. Anyway I’m sidetracking, back to my story.

When I told everyone that I couldn’t actually find the light bulb to change it, they all told me not to worry about it anyway, because all the light bulbs are in Japan right now. Why are all the spare light bulbs in Japan? I don’t understand, and to top it all off they told me the light bulbs were being sent one at a time. Apparently homeland security mistakes two light bulbs in close proximity as a bomb detonator. (Who knew?) And for some reason wattage on these light bulbs is over nine-thousand. Was such an eccentric light bulb needed? No wonder there are light bulb shortages!

But anyway, back to the point. I’m in here in universe one and the light bulb’s out. And it occurred to me: What if Sega has ruined light forever? I mean, I’ve been a long time fan of light. I was there for Light 1.0. I still have my commemorative sun dial. And I’m sure you remember how Light 2.0, the first portable edition, where it’d go out with a gust of wind. (Not a bug it’s a feature my @#$.) But darnit it was great, magical stuff. But this light just doesn’t seem to be constant enough, and it’s not really the pure white natural light I’ve gotten accustomed too in recent years, it’s more of a sickly yellowish.

Please Sega, you have to do something quick or light as we know it will be ruined forever! People are starting to go nocturnal in droves and I don’t think they’ll be many people left to fight monsters in the light once we finally change the light bulb. Not to mention I didn’t pay my share of the electricity bill for the light bulb to be out! At least send us some more light bulbs via UPS air. Or order some over the internet. Everything’s on that new-fangled series of tubes these days.

Sincerely yours,
Fencer Naiad

PS. I found the burnt out light bulb. It’s in one of those little cage things with a lock and key on it, so no one over here can get in there to actually change the light bulb. Please send the key to open the cage as well. There’s some very restless fellows here with hacksaws gathering around it and they scare me. Please Hurry. *eep*

- Hope you enjoyed this light bulb thread related joke -