I just traded in my PS2 and a handfull of games for a brand new (platinum w00t!) GCN and, of course, PSOE1&2.

Obviously, I had heard about the new E2 levels and monsters before even thinking of buying a GCN, but when I started playing E1 as a new character - I kept noticing small changes from the DC versions 1 and 2. Little graphical tweaks like the 'heat rays' that emit from the telepipes. The way that Shifta/Deband no longer 'bubble' around your character - now they look more like flames coming out of your hands.

Sure, I'm very happy with the new E2 levels and monsters, but the little changes like the ones I stated above are what really excite me. Sega Team could have just ported everything over, untouched and in all it's oldschool glory, but they went that extra little mile to change some things for us veterans that are sick of the same ol' same ol'.

So to Sonic Team, I say thanks for the addition of E2, and thanks again, for making E1 seem a little newer as well.