I personaly think that there should be a -computer Teck- "forum area" to discuss Computer parts/ prices/ help/ building comps/. And i know Many people could and will benifit from this if this is created.

There are alot of people on this forum that know what there talking about and People that need help. I think that it should be let out for the better good of PSOw.

With all of the new Phantasy stars. On computer (BB,soon PSU, and PS1-4 if you emulate them I guess)There are alot of questions that enevitably get moved to off topic and that seems wrong. But that could just be my topics....

With the size of PSOw userbase growing every day. Not everyone knows how to run computers/ troubleshoot/ upgrade. I see alot of questions asking if the game will even run on there computer.

If this is created people can get there problems fixed and get back to what we all love to do.
!Play games!

PS. If for some reason it doesnt work out you can always just erase it like nothing ever happened. But im confident that it will work.