Not in the mood to run back to town for those much needed supplies? Don't want to be bothered by newbies? Want then privalige of having a LVL 100 Ranger groveling before you like a manservant? Well look no further, cause this is the deal of the century....

Available for immediate hire.
Level 100 Ranger
Good Magic
Good Attacks
He gotz your back.
Ready to Heal at a moments notice.
Will freeze attackers and let you get all the xp.

Other character services have sold for more than $200 dollars... but today in this limited time offer, we are SLASHING the price for his service. Not $200 Dollars, not even $100 dollars. No infact you won't have to spend any actual money. How can he do this you ask? Simple, based on a technology used for years in Europe, but only recently brought over to the US, Elric works for rare items. For each super item taken by Elric, you are guaranteed 1 full session of his services... Wanna hang out in the Lobby and have him fall at your feet for an hour? That'll be 1 God/Technique. The system is simple and can be mastered by anyone in a matter of seconds.. Just listen to these satisfied customers:

"I gave Elric a Double Sabre and he ran laps int he lobby for an hour, screaming BustaMove is L33T!!!"

"I Gave Elric a Stag Cutlery and he walked me through the VH ruins, I went up levels!!!!!!"

Now you also can have these special services..
Act Now, this offer is for a limited time only.

The previous message was a paid advertisment from the GSFE (Get Shit for Elric) Coalition.