This is my tradelist. I only do legit and online trades. I play on scht's server.

Shock Calibur 45/0/0/40/40
Burning Vulcan +9 0/40/0/35/45
Riot Vulcan 0/0/0/5/50
Master's Vulcan+9 0/0/0/0/35
Heat Vulcan 0/0/0/5/50
Geist Vulcan +3 0/45/0/30/30
Spirit Vulcan +4 45/0/0/0/35
Charge Gatling 0/0/40/45/25
Drain Gatling 0/0/0/5/35
Berserk Raygun 0/0/35/40/40
Hell Raygun 0/0/30/30/30
Drain Raygun 0/30/0/0/50
Hell Laser 0/0/0/0/40
Charge Laser x2 0/40/0/0/30 (from shop)
Havoc Diska 0/0/0/0/35
Demon's Diska 60/45/0/0/35
Tempest Diska 0/0/0/30/40
Elysion x2
Flight Fan 0/0/0/10/0
Mahu w/ 20%hit (forgot other %)
Del Saber's Left Arm x3
Morning Glory 5/0/20/25/0
Diska Of Braveman 15/20/0/20/0
Silence Claw 0/20/0/10
Angry Fist
Red Patisan 0/0/10/10/0
Red Dagger 10/0/20/15
Cure Freeze
Cure Poison
Red Saber (forgot %'s)
Red Mechguns x 2 0/0/30/0/0, forgot percents on other one
Red Handgun x2 ,10/0/0/10/0, forgot percents on other one
TP Revival
Grass Assasin's Arms
Rappy's Fan
Gobooma's Claw
Hildabear's Head
Guilty Light 0/20/80/0/0 (when found, Machine was 75%, tekked to 80%)
Rabarta 26
Shifta 26
Zonda 27
Jellen 27
Razonde 28
Rabarta 28
Rafoie 28
Rafoie 29
Foie 28
Foie 29
Barta 29
Resta 29
Resta 30
Shifta 30
Deband 30
Scape Doll x 12
Mind Mats x 16

Magic Rock "Moola"
Proto Regen Gear
Spirit Garment x2, 1slot, 0 slot
S-Beats' Arms x2
Amp Of Foie x 4
Amp Of Red
Lots of Grinders

Main wants:
S-rank Mechgun no Special
Spread Needle w/ hit
High Hit Mechs w/ 50%+ hit
Pow Mats
Def Mats