Hello this is Ryo, and i am happy to say that i am online and would like to meet some friends and maybe get to know "who's who". i shall be my Strongest character "Nesaya" lvl 63, i shall play episode II. Hard mode, please come and meet me, i'm sorry but i don't have a keyboard so showing emotions will be hard. and i would like to ask a few things of everyone
1. i would like to have a part with in my level 55-65 please
2. i would like to have a mixed partt, (1 force 1 hunter 1 ranger) i am a hunter (HUnewearl)
3. for all those forces i have a oddly large stash of Megid up to lvl 6 if that helps?
4. try not to ask me for items as i don't have any to give
5. don't come if your not a "team player"
6. if you consider me a good fighter, lets dual, and trade Guild cards
7. it's first come first server, so try and hurry

the meeting place if interested is...
Ship: Vega
Block: 02
Room: Neko's Room
i hope to see you there, don't worry i use resta/Shifta/Desband like mad! ^_^
for further info Private Message me here on the post room