Hey everybody, i got some good trades so heres my updated trade list. IM me at MajinGogetaSSJ5, email me at [email protected] or respond here.

-^-H A V E -^-
Sbeats Blade+20
Twin Brand+9
Soul Banish+9
Final Impact
stag cultry
Slicer Of Assasin
Blade Dance +6
Dragonslayer +9
Flowen's Sword +6
Db's Saber+7
Visk 235w +4
M&A60 Vise +3
H&S25 Justice
Club Of Laconium
Parasite Wear: De Rol (0 slots )

-^- W A N T -^-
holy ray
egg launcher
chaos bringers rifle
flame visit
any any other good rares not on my have list.