Ok.. i come home from work today and decide to play some pso for a little while. When the dialing screen came up, I decided to go get something to drink. I saw what was on the screen a moment later and my jaw dropped to the floor. There was a blue window telling me that my character file was curropt and the items would now be reset completely!! I hit start and tried my best to stay calm even though i had no friggin idea what-the-HELL was going on. I dialed back up and just as the window said.. all my stuff was GONE. Everything! I swear i nearly pissed my pants right then and there. All my money, rares, equipment... *poof* now a memory.

So now im thinking "ok" I have 1 more char left with his fair share of stuff.. I'll simply use him.. everythings gonna be allright..
Guess what? I logged on and saw the same fucking window as before. Now you can imagine how i felt at the time. All my work: one lvl 100 char and one 89 was history. Every hour i spent battling on ragol was meaningless now. Sure the characters themselves were there.. but what can a lvl 80+ guy do witha saber? *sigh* After about an hour, a good buddy of mine logged on and gave me a very disturbing email. It hit him too.. i felt incredibly bad because he had far more stuff than i did. The question still remained.. "Why?"

After telling another friend of our predicament, he said that Sega had been cracking down on "dupers" and backup characters, and that was why we lost our chars.. Um.. well it made sense except for one small thing..

How "do" you dupe or make backup chars??

I never even knew about cheating, duping, etc on PSO. It never entered my mind that it was even a possibility! So why?? Why did I lose my characters? Like i said.. i dont cheat i never have cheated.. i didnt even know you COULD cheat!

I'v allready tried calling sega about it and they said there was nothing they could do.

*sigh* I'm making my new char as im typing right now. Gotta do it all again.. from scratch..
Why you may ask? No fuckin clue... >_<

btw: Yes, I know im new to this board.. I just wanted to tell every1 this and see if there were players out there with this same problem.
I still can hardly believe it.. all those items..