before I begin,do not dismiss this as whining,particularly if youve never played as a force/fortetecher character.

so I've been running a lot of lab recovery on S2 the past few days and in a lot of parties Im starting to observe more and more people getting rather fiesty about forces not "doing their job" and keeping everybody in the party buffed.lets get this straight:

it is not the force's JOB to keep everybody buffed.
*on a sidenote,this applies differently to every player style becasue some people are 'support-only' forces,in which case..well,you get the point.

sure obvoiusly they are in control of the buffing spells and whatnot but if you use your SUV or nanoblast,and your buffs arent on anymore,and even if they just run out,and the force is in the middle of casting a spell,dont immediately get on the microphone and ask "why arent I buffed?"its a dumb ass question.the force will buff sooner or later.1 minute without buffs will not get you killed nor will it hurt the mission time-and if it does,tough shit.secondly:

forces are just as much offensive players as they are support.
-again this obviosly applies differently to certain play styles.

if the circumstance arises where you arent buffed and havent been for a while,politely ask for a buff.if the guy's being a dick,thats a different story,and kick him out of your party becuase hes useless and obviously doesnt know how to curteousely party up.

I play as a fortetecher and a fighgunner and have seen both ends now myself and I dont see why people expect so damn much out of forces.its a simple mentality not to RELY on the force for buffs and healing and then when you are stupid enough to be killed without a scape doll complain that 'THE FORCE DIDNT HEAL ZOMGFUCK'

this isnt to appease shitty fortetechers either.people who dont make any effort to play like a team probably wanna rethink their gameplay strat.

frankly Im just sick of people trying to make forces into support only characters and catching shit in-mission from people about not being buffed for *30 seconds* by a force who is busy keeping himself alive or just trying to deal some damage himself and help the party move happened on PSO a lot,and its starting to happen here.