On 2007-04-16 17:32, -Shimarisu- wrote:
Eh, OK then. WT is definitely getting changed for the better though. I see they have incresed tech at job level 10 now, but the melee side is still superior. So newman could be "OK" at WT too after expansion, but I still feel they fare better in the hands of beast or human. I'd put cast a little out of the picture now for WT, if they are getting increased tech.

AT is definitely a human/newman role.
WT is definitely more ATP orientated, but with increased TP they COULD be playable in the hands of newman now. I am still making my newman alternate between FT and AT. Especially given the fact I feel that putting all the WT capable melee PAs on him is an absolute waste of his capacity for tech.

Shima, for once you may be right. I've seen the changes for WT stats including the TP buff and S-rank wands, but will it be enough to offset the huge melee buff they get? The smaller percent ATP buff can be misleading considering that all-important third strike.

I haven't seen the Acrotecher stat mods yet, but I assume they will be more TP-based. That is, for those who want to be primarily casters with melee ability (which does take a good portion of the newman WTs away), Acrotecher is it. AoE flinching bitchslap weapon and all.

Accuracy hasn't increased at all for WTs though, meaning that newmans still might have a place, but with acrotecher looming, it leaves one to wonder.

One thing is certain though: Beasts and CASTs should not go acrotecher.

//EDIT: One last note: and notice that Acrotechers get much higher support techs. Hmmm...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Gamemako on 2007-04-17 02:04 ]</font>