Yeah. That's right. Your fingers hurt from the mundane repetitivity of the gunner classes. You're tired, sore, and looking for something new. Look no further! Please note that this ONLY works for PC users that use controllers to play. Dunno if this has been posted before but ehhh....

First, download Joy To Key. The program can be found here:
It's a completely free spyware-free shareware program. Don't gotta worry about it because it's open-source. It's pretty barebones, but the thing is that it WORKS. Anyways, extract it and get it running. Make a link to the desktop for it, if the need be.

Here's the window. Not much to look at... Anyways, you want to select the key that corresponds which the button on your controller. Shot on mine is same as the square button button on PS2. It has a label named "1" on it.

So, we would select slot 1...

Here's the setup window. There's many things you can assign buttons to do... Hell, if you wanted, you could tell it to run the calculator by pressing the start key. But that's not implemented yet. >_> Anyways, you can select up to 3 keystrokes to happen once you push the button. CTRL+ALT+DEL at the touch of a button... >.> Aways, in the first slot, you would want to put the same as the attack key for PSU, By default, it's the down arrow key. So push down. On the slider on the bottom, move it to the right, all the way. This will make the computer press down 30 times each second when you hold the button down. Overkill, I know, but ehh... This is what your window should look like.

After that, minimize and go play normally. If you use that program for other things, be warned it won't work for XBOX360-style controller's L2 and R2 buttons, it won't work with a dpad if you got a stick, and it certainly won't work with the right analog stick.

One more note before I go. You can easily use this to autolevel techs and bullets. Find a guide on it somewhere that mentions the scarred earth method, go there, use you imagination to weigh down the button somehow, and go afk, and come back to 15 levels of your favorite spell (hey, its happened before. I slept in.) Anyways, thanks for reading, and feel free to ask any questions!