S ranks:striking (everything is 0/10 unless noted)

ank zagzac 30% ice
huge cutter ice 24%,17%,lightning 19% (3/10)
gudda skela 38%,26%(0/9)
gekitsunatac 20% lightning 2/9
ank dedda 12%
vish adan 22%,18%,11%
shura-hiken 12%~ice
crea doubles 38% lightning 3/10(a bit iffy on this)

S ranks:ranged
twin varista (not S rank,but meh )
hyper viper
shigga desta
shigga destac
gur bazga
S rank yohmei rifle (i cant spell that X3)

S ranks:tech

S rank:armor/units
baji senba 22% ice
al senba (lol)
bullet saves x3
skill save(a bit iffy on this)

other items of interest:
van brella 6/9
shatos,most 0/9 or 0/8
frying pan 0/10 and 3/10
cursed pumpkin x2
jao(room deco)
grinna bete S
maiden's ship
rappy figure
rappy suits (M flesh,F flesh)
formal wear (M flesh,black/red)
various mats,dont use many so ask and ill see how many i got

b'duki boa
viper x many
crimson x3
raikasobrac x3
2 headed ragnus x2

meseta :3
burst 10/10
thunder cannon 10/10
ranpegi 10/10
mira-kikami 10/10
shigga bines 10/10
tyrant spadac(anything but fire)
red force
twin snowy claws
non-kubara S rank bows
cubo musrana
magical wands 10/10
twin bear claw(anything but ice)
love inferno([B] or made)
P-wand lol(broken as hell,i dont care lol. 0/0 is fine by me )
kazarod (again,dont care if its mega broken)
gaozoran rod(the weapon,i want this the least out of the S rank rods X3 )
agito repca (board is fine too,broken is ok as long at its not worse then X/7 dont care about element )
twin DB sabers,looking for all elements 15%+ plz
twin ruby bullet
flowens sword,looking for all elements 20%+ plz
bulletdance ([B] or made)

i play every class in case someone wants to offer something not in my wants list.

im open to package deals and meseta :3

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Arakasa on 2008-04-17 22:24 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Arakasa on 2008-04-20 22:40 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Arakasa on 2008-05-07 13:29 ]</font>